Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Happy Birthday, Kaitlyn!

Just five days after Piper's birthday, it's KAITLYN"S birthday! (Or you could say Kaitlyn's birthday comes 360 days before Piper's, because she's a year older.) Kaitlyn is turning 7. Just this morning, Hannah sent along a couple pages of Kaitlyn's research on dinosaurs. I thought it was thorough, balanced, and scientifically sound, even if it did include the word "scarey." Anyway, we hope the birthday celebration is wonderful and that Kaitlyn continues her studies in paleontology.


mary said...

Happy birthday Kaitlin! What a great picture with Great Grandma Jeanne. Hope we get to see you this summer here in Montana!

Jen said...

Happy birthday! Hope you continue to have a great year!

Hannah said...

I love that picture!! And the fabulous dinosaur research consisted of, "Dinosaurs are extinct because they eaten each other".
She also wrote a fabulous expose unveiling the darker side of pirating movies. A friend from her father's work had given him a bootlegged copy of Frozen (wrong, of course) and she wrote, "Dad getting frozen was illegal". Actually she wrote, "Dad gitin frozen was a legal" :)
We are no longer in possession of such movie.

Jan said...

Happy belated birthday, you sweet girl! What a great picture with your great gramma! Hope you celebrated in a big way!!