Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Kesiah's Broken Arm

A little news from Utah. Yesterday, Kesiah was riding down a little hill on her scooter with a friend. She hit a bump, flew over the top and broke her arm. Was even more of an adventure being that she had to go have the bone re-set at the hospital. She was super brave and didn't even cry when they put her IV in. Advice to all you parents out there; don't stay in the room when bones are getting re-set, kinda' disturbing even when the kids are out. She is doing better today, getting back to her happy and wonderful self.

Cool hospital lets you play on an Ipad while you wait!!

The Break!

All Fixed!


mary said...

Poor Kesiah! Get better soon. Those broken bones are no fun~

Johnny Piano said...

Wow! That was a big break (not in a good way). Kudos to Kesiah for going through repairs without losing her brave face. I can understand the trauma for mama as you watched the work -- that's hard. Best wishes for fast knitting of those bones.

Jan said...

Kesiah - you are amazing! Hope that it heals quickly but what a stud you will be at school with your arm in a cast!! Way to be brave!!