Seems like I just posted her birthday on here, the years are flying fast!! So Kesiah is now 9 - happily nearing the end of 3rd grade. She is distinguished by her height, she is taller than most fifth graders. She has been using that long arm reach to play a mean first baseman this year in softball and is tied with one other girl for the best batting average on the team! She is a witty tyke, still fun and playful. And she sings- along with the rest of her siblings - pretty much all the time. Love her!!
Hi, 'Siah. We hope you had a most wonderful birthday. It's amazing how you've grown and all the things you're doing. We love you.
Opa J & Gramma Ann
Happy 9th birthday, Kesiah! Have a WONDERFUL year!
Love and blessings,
The TX Buyskes
Happy 9th!!! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your school year and good luck on your upcoming softball games!
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