Sunday, April 07, 2013

Maddie' s first prom!

Just a couple photos of Madison's first prom!  Jim and I were lucky enough to be asked to chaperone so we got to watch all the festivities.  After the prom we had a few of the freshman class over for breakfast.  T'was a fun evening for sure!


Jen said...

So much fun!!! I remember the days of prom! Looks like you had a good time Madison and you look gorgeous!

Hannah said...

What a gorgeous doll!!! I totally want to get that chaperoning gig when my kids are of prom age - thanks for the sweet idea. So, has prom in Montana turned into an all day affair? In Utah, nowadays, the kids go out to lunch and then paintballing or some random activity and then get ready and have dinner and prom. It is kinda' crazy and I was wondering if that is just our state or if it catching on in the rest of the country!!

Anonymous said...

Well I haven't been to prom in almost 10 years, but we never had it as an all day affair. I mean, with a group. It took all day to get ready but it was mainly just dinner and then the dance and then breakfast afterwards. I think it's just Utah. Weirdos. ; )

Ya look good though, Maddie! I hope you had fun!


Jan said...

Oh boy! Do I ever remember these days! I chaperoned every prom that the girls went to. We had dinners, breakfasts, fun!! You are gorgeous, Maddie! Can't believe you are old enough to go!!