Thursday, February 28, 2013

Self Injury Awareness

My dear, dear family: Tomorrow is Self Injury Awareness Day. Some of you may know that, some of you may not. It's a day that is important to me and a day that I am an advocate for. I am very lucky to have the family that I have. I have a huge and loving support group and I am very thankful for that. But not everyone has that. The great thing about you all is that you are not quick to judge, so I know that if you knew someone was suffering in this way, you wouldn't judge them. But not everyone thinks that way. So if you know someone who is hurting or someone who doesn't have anyone else to turn to, help them. Try and help them. It's not something that is easy to understand unless you've been through it, but it's always nice to have a shoulder to lean on. I wouldn't be where I am today without you all, and I just want to thank you and say that I love you all. I can't wait to see you this summer!! Love and Blessings, Molly


Jan said...

It takes a strong person to see the situation they are in and stop! You are that strong person and we are so proud of you and what you did! We will wear our orange ribbons with pride tomorrow!! Love you, Molly girl!

mattandkelly said...

The boys will be in orange tomorrow! Well, the boys who don't have to wear Catholic school uniforms, anyway. Love you tons. Prayers always.


Hannah said...

Didn't even know there was this day but I will try and fish out some orange today in support!!