Monday, February 07, 2011


Happy Birthday, Dad! We sure wish we could be there to help you celebrate. Will would probably have you out repeating the snowman (if there was enough snow) and definitely have you repeating movie night! But we hope whatever it is that you get to do on your birthday is loads of fun! much fun as a 60 year old man can have. :)

Love you!
Matt, Kelly, Will, Ben and Leo


Jen said...

YAY DAD!!!!! Happy Big 6-0! Trust me, you don't look a day over 5-9 :) Just kidding! I wish I could be there as well, but I will just celebrate with you whenever I see you again :) Have a great day! Eat lots of cake, ice cream and other goodies!


Nateusmoore said...

Happy Birthday, Marc. I hope you have a great nap after birthday dinner tonight!

Mike said...

Happy b-day, pop. I know the secret behind all those naps is to rest up for all the marathons you'll be running in your 80's. I like your style. Hope you have a great day. Love ya.


Anonymous said...

Hope you had a very happy birthday, Marc. You are an amazing son, husband, father, brother-in-law, and grandfather. Hope this finds you in good spirits.
Bill & Connie

Hannah said...

I love the picture with all the Grandkids - such an incredible thing to see the offspring of your offspring. Should we post bets on what we think that total number will someday equal? I wonder if the Buyske cousin total will overtake the Moore cousin total someday? What is that total - 18? Anyway, happy birthday Marc! And since I am just typing away, my favorite memory of Marc is when I stayed with them for a few days in the summer eons ago, I remember thinking how funny Uncle Marc was. I was laughing and laughing the whole time I spent with their family and a good portion of that was due to Marc's humor.

mary said...

Happy belated birthday Marc! Hope you had a fantastic day~