Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Masters Man

With a break in the birthdays it's a good time to congratulate my old man on getting his Masters Degree. Back in August after a lot of hard work, my dad received his Masters of Science in Financial Services from the American College. My mom thought it would be a good idea to steal Shannon's graduation robe and make him pose and, much to our surprise, he obliged. We're all very proud of you. From the emails that we've sent back and forth at work, the new designation (MSFS) looks great beside your name. Nice work, padre.


mattandkelly said...

Well done! Congratulations on your masters, Tom!

Hannah said...

Quite nice. And the robe looks quite dashing. :)

Jan said...

Don't you look spiffy!!!! Congratulations Tommy! You must be so much smarter with all of those letters behind your name! Proud of you little bro!

Jen said...

That's awesome!! Congrats on the masters degree. Well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Tom. You look splendid in the robe! We are very proud of you and all you have accomplished.
Connie & Bill

Shmoore said...

Good job Tom! I was thinking about your studies the other day wondering if you had finished. Congratulations.

mary said...

Way to go Tom! That is awesome and no small feat. I have been watching Nick doing his master's classes and all the time it takes...Wow! I knew there was a reason I never did that.

Johnny Piano said...

And I didn't even know you were pursuing the advanced degree! Man, we gotta work on this communication issue. Meanwhile, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Dad! Totally worth all those days you spent sitting in the boiling hot office working on your final essays. Proud of you and greatful I got your smarts!


meg and ry said...

Congratulations Tom. A well deserved degree! And quite handsome in that robe!

aurie said...

Congratulations, Tom! That took a lot of hard work. Hope it helps you at work, besides being fun to learn.