Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Let's give a big cheer for Johnny and Ann who are celebrating their 18th anniversary today! What a wonderful couple they are. My favorite memory of the two of them was playing PDQ with them and Ann beating Johnny and trying not to gloat and apologizing for winning! You guys are too funny. Hope you enjoy your day!


mary said...

Happy Anniversary you two! You are awesome~

Love ya

Molly said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I hope you two had a really great day. I mean, how could it not be when you got to hang out with the Buyske's?! ;) You guys are an amazing couple who always keep me entertained! I think my favorite John and Ann memory is from their wedding and I kept asking my mom "When are they gonna kiss? When are they gonna kiss?!" And when they finally did...I missed it. Here's to many more years!

Jen said...

yay to you two!!! :) glad you were able to come over for a slice of cake and some entertainment! i am with molls...i don't think that there has ever been a time where i haven't laughed when i am around you guys (whether it is at you or with you is not the point right?) :) here is to many more laugh-filled years

Shmoore said...

Hope you guys had a great day.

Hannah said...

18 years, dang - that is a LOOONG time!!! Ya'll have been married longer in my life than not married in my life! Crazy but also awesome. Happy Anniversary!!