Saturday, May 08, 2010

Happy Birthday Joey

Almost a belated birthday wish, but still before midnight so it counts. Happy 29th b-day, Joey. Great demonstration of the type of hold he uses to keep control of those wild Billings 4th graders as well as large ceramic reptiles. Congrats as well on wrapping up your first of many years as a teacher. Billings is lucky to have you. Hope you had a great day, bro.



Molly said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BRO!! I hope you had a great day!! And enjoyed that cake that Jeanine made! Love ya!

Jan said...

Happy birthday, Joey. Hope you had a great day! I am glad we were able to share your day a little early. I have lots of favorite Joey memories, but one is hauling him across the street to the neighbor with his piggy bank in hand. Joey had pulled up two of his tomato plants and I wanted him to pay for them. It was funny to watch this small child part with his change. You have grown up to be quite the young man and we are so proud of you! Love you much!!

Johnny Piano said...

Hey, JoeBo -- happy birthday. It's good to see that, in the overall scope of things, life is moving along nicely for you. Good work. Now all you nee to do is devote a little more time to music. I'm just sayin' Anyway, happy day!

Abe said...

Happy Birthday, bro. My favorite memory of Joey generally is the summer he spent with me in Chicago. We had some great days at Cubs games and recording music and some late nights taking this big city by storm. Little known fact: Joey has an encyclopedic knowledge of films and actors. Hope you had a good one. Love, Abe & Des

Nateusmoore said...

Happy Birthday, Joey. One of my best times with Joey was when Jake, Joey, Ryan and I spent a day watching Notre Dame and drinking some, well, a lot of beer in Bozeman. Oh, and him teaching me how to beat him at UFC on the PS3.

Jen said...

Happy birthday bro! Glad I was there to help celebrate with you a bit early! Too many good memories to count, so I will just say congrats on a successful (so far) first year of teaching and I know you will continue to do well!

Joey said...

Thank you all for the kind words. I'm not sure where Abe's comment of my encyclopedic knowledge of actors and movies came from, and to clarify Nate's comment: after mercilessly beating him too many times in a row to remember, I let him win one in front of his friends so he wouldn't be too embarrassed.

mattandkelly said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Joey! My favorite Joey moments are watching him entertain and enlighten his nephews. Recently, I narrowly averted his lesson on How to Properly Hock a Loogie...

Joey: "Hey Will, sounds like you have a little lung butter in there. Wanna know how to get it out?"

Me: "JOEY!?"

You are a wealth of knowledge, Joey. Can you teach him to play guitar instead please?