Thought I'd drop a line from Southern Texas. Life's good down here. Working hard and having some fun on the side. I'm really enjoying San Antonio and all the stuff there is to do here. The Mexican food is great and the country music is better. We went to a Texas Country show at Gruene (pronounce green) Hall last night in Gruene, Texas which is America's Oldest Dance Hall. It was a great time.
Also, while we are talking about states, I made my yearly pilgramige to my state of Missouri. How many of you can say they do that? Ben and I made the trek from Texas and met some friends and, of course, Jacob in St. Louis for Mardi Gras festivities. It was a great time. Maybe too good of a time. Well, so good of a time that I gave up alcohol for Lent. While us Moores escaped without injury, Ben's high school buddy Bo had a fall that sent him to the ER for 5 hours while Jake, Ben and I waited in the waiting room. To pass the time we pretended we were the cast of Scrubs.
Here's a picture from the afternoon of the Friday that we arrived. It's of most of the St. Louis crew after an extremely competitive afternoon at the lanes between the Sunset Stallions, Dancing Dragons, and Super Cool Cobras: