Tuesday, September 19, 2006

our little thespian

Hey all.....live from Sioux Falls!!!

I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to give everyone a quick note.....Molly has just recently landed a lead role in Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors!! It is awesome!! She is really excited! The play is to be put on in early November! She is also part of a cast who is opening and closing our variety show during Homecoming week. She is going to be a busy bee these next few weeks, but she is doing what she loves, so it makes it that much easier. I just thought I would let everyone know about our budding thespian (another word for actor Jake and Nate). I am doing fine. I am keeping my head above water with classes and practice and work. Hope all is well!! Send Molls a congrats if you get the time!


Nateusmoore said...

What is an "actor Jake and Nate?" Oh, you mean "actor, Jake and Nate." Wow, let's get our writing skills up to par and then you can come at us with your vocabulary lessons (your lesson is so fourth grade by the way.) Nice job, Molly. I hope you do great.

Johnny Piano said...

(your lesson is so fourth grade by the way.)? Grade by what way? Oh, you mean "your lesson is so fourth grade, by the way." Commas are tricky, Nate, so be careful that you don't get commatose. And by the way, Molly, congrats on landing the role!

Nateusmoore said...

I left it out to see if Jen would catch it. It was a kind of a lesson in disguise. Unfortunatley John caught it first. Darn. Maybe I'll be able to teach you some other time, Jen.

Jen said...

wow...thanks nate, always looking after me. i guess i need you to reteach me grammar before i apply to law school. luckily, however, johnny will be there to back me up. anyway, thanks for the comment. i hope next time i will be able to post in the correct way so that you won't find anything to criticize

Nateusmoore said...

There should be a comma after "Unfortunatley John" in my previous post. You missed the lessson. But hey, I'm here to help anytime. Oh yeah, and break a leg, Molly.

mary said...

Congratulations, Molly! That is very exciting news and I am sure you will do terrific. Let us all know how it goes!

meg and ry said...

For the love people! You are also missing the atrocious spelling errors: unfortunatley? And the capitalization mistakes: luckily,...? Where have I gone wrong? I feel like I'm reading my freshmen papers again!

Oh, congratulations to Molly! I'm proud of you, girl!

Abe said...

Meggers, I believe you meant: "For the love, people."