Saturday, September 16, 2006


All of us in the family salute and thank the Dinger for keeping a roof over Mom's head and bed. I'm serious about this. Jim donated his time, talent, and considerable amounts of Tylenol to shuffling the shingles onto the house and garage. And then nailin' 'em down. Thanks, bro -- we owe you a lot. But not in, like, legal tender. I'm sure you understand. You have our respect, reverence, and first dibs when we want similar work done on our domiciles. Okay, well ... get your greenhouse done first. Thanks again.


Jen said...

yeah, dinger deserves all the grunge jobs after all the "jokes" we are forced to listen to!! :) just kidding, that is pretty cool. he actually looks like he belongs up there!

Abe said...

Cheers, Dinger.

Anonymous said...

you're the bomb diggity!!!
love maurika