Sunday, November 27, 2005

just look at this face!!

Ok, so here's the deal. This girl right here hasn't received an invite to get onto this blogger site. And unfortunately, my technologically inept mother lost the invite and doesn't know how to get back on the blogger site. So Abe, if you read this....could you please send an invite to Molls and my mom??? I know there are a couple other family members who have yet to get an invite as well. I don't want to send threats, but seriously, does she look like a girl you want to mess with??


Abe said...

Well, I did send everyone an invite to this, en masse. It turns out it didn't work for some people. So, if you're not on yet, drop a note in this comment section with your email address and I'll re-invite you!

Also, let's get the Christmas lists up here. Chop chop.

Nateusmoore said...

You're a Griz fan aren't you Meghan... I'd be frustrated too.

Jen said...

Abe, since Molls can't post her email address on the comment site because she can't log in....I will give it to you.

My mom's is

Hope that helps!