Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Wonderful weekend~

The senior Moores all gathered this past weekend to commemorate Dad's birthday and the anniversary of Mom's funeral.  We had a great lunch, wrote our checks to Tom's charity (the backpack program for Billings schools), visited the cemetery and saw the headstones, and shared a terrific dinner prepared by Jim W.  Sunday Mass was for Dad so some of us made it to church as well.
This is such an amazing family and I thank God for all of you.  I hear so many times, especially since I work at the church, these families that come in for funeral planning and they can't even be civil to each other.  We are very lucky to have been raised by these amazing people who instilled in us the joy of family.
It has been a tough few weeks for me.  I miss Mom every day.  This gathering came at a wonderful time for me.  I love you all!
And Connie, this is the photo I posted on facebook.  Mom was truly a beautiful person~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The headstones turned out very nicely! I am glad you all were able to get together to celebrate and remember Grandpa and Grandma. We sure do have a special family.
