Tuesday, August 14, 2012

And so is Isaac!!

Isaac Asher is the big 3 also today!  We had a fun weekend last weekend camping with the family and got to celebrate a bit early with Isaac.  He now has a REAL baseball mitt and some baseballs.  Even before he opened his package, all we heard all weekend is...wanna play baseball?  can we play baseball now?  let's play baseball!  The kid definitely has a one track mind!!  Oh but it IS almost football season~
Have a terrific day Mr. Isaac!  We love you tons~
Grandma and Grandpa


Jen said...

Happy Birthday buddy!! you are one talented baseball player, but I bet if you put a football in your hands you would be just as good! hope you enjoyed your day!

Molly said...

Happy bday Isaac! I hope you had a great day full of baseball!!