Hello gang!
I hope everyone is recovering from the holidays and getting back into the swing of things. It's taken me a while, but I'm slowly starting to get there. Just wanted to give a little update. My trip to Guam was FANTASTIC!! I had so much fun with Jen and Mike. We went scuba diving, hiking, snorkeling, swimming, and then Jen and I went skydiving (Mike was too chicken) and kayaking. The weather was gorgeous and the island was beautiful. If you get a chance, go. Just don't fly through Japan because they may cancel your flight, forcing you to fly back across the ocean to Honolulu to wait 8 hours for the flight to Guam, making you cross the international dateline 3 times so that when you finally arrive in Guam, you have absolutely no idea what day it is. Just saying, be warned. The top picture is of Jen and I holding our certificates for skydiving. We made it out alive! Of course we HAD to get a picture taken on the beach. Then it's Mike and I hiking Mt. LamLam, which if you measure from the base instead of sea level is actually the tallest mountain in the world. We made it to the top in about 40 minutes. BOOM! And then it's Jen and me on New Year's Eve.
I found out this weekend that I got a small part in the upcoming mainstage show at Grandstreet. It's a comedy called "Almost, Maine". It's a huge cast and should be pretty fun. So if anyone has the last weekend in February or the first 2 weekends in March open, come on over to Helena!
Finally, I am participating in a Bowl-a-thon for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Helena on January 28th. A few of us from the law firm plus our significant others will be on a team. We are accurately dubbed the "Pin and Tonics". I can't remember the link right now but I'll look it up and post it above with some more Guam pictures.
Love you all and I hope everyone is enjoying a happy and health 2012 thus far!