Thursday, September 29, 2011

Grandma Goes to Boise

She doesn't look too excited in this picture but that's what getting up at 4:30AM does. But that will all change when she spends four exciting days in Boise.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy birthday Nick and Jim!

Today is Nick's 25th birthday and Jimmy's 48th! Wow!

Nick's photo is from inspection week when he received his medals. He has about one month left and then he will be home! Yay!

Jim's photo is from his facebook page because I don't have a photo of him doing what he loves...running! Crazy man!

To both of you~I pray you have a terrific day and get to celebrate in some way. Love you both so much and I can't wait to see you guys again in person!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fantastic Florida Fun!!!

Wow! That is all I can say. Marc and I went to Florida for a week to visit the new grandbaby - who is drop dead cute - and we were treated to two days in Disneyworld. What a blast! The only downfall of the entire time was the heat. I am not a heat person and they certainly had it, but even then, that did not stop us. We loved every second of our time there and we thank you Matt and Kelly for such a GREAT time!!! Love you! Will is in kindergarten and it was fun getting to see his school and meet his teacher. Ben is in VPK and it was fun to see his teacher too. Leo is just plain fun and Mack is adorable. Kelly is a bundle of energy which is totally unfair and Matt is the most helpful husband I have ever seen. They are just this sweet little family!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Shannon

Almost too late, but we wanted to wish Shannon a happy 24th birthday today. She's just wrapping up her first year as a nurse at the Spearfish hospital, and this year saw her get engaged to Birch. Shannon, we're very proud of you and all you've accomplished. We hope you have another great year.


Mom and Dad

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Madison!

Today is Maddie's 14th birthday! We had a fun celebration yesterday with Miranda and the gang. We all went to Sam's football game on Friday, went to Taco Treat (yumm!) on Saturday, and even had Howards pizza for dinner. We had one of Madison's favorite breakfasts this morning and then, reality set in and it was homework time~bummer!

We love you tons, Madison Jo! Hope you have a fantastic 14th birthday

Mom and Dad

Monday, September 05, 2011

Nick's Bootcamp Graduation!

Nick is officially done with Bootcamp! Yay! I flew down to SC for graduation and Ben met me there. We had a great time although it was a short trip. Nick took off on Friday for Fort Rucker Alabama for more training.

Great job, Nick and good luck in Alabama! We can't wait for you to get home~

If you would like to send Nick a note, his address in Alabama is:

Spec. Nickolas Wingerter

CMR #3, Box 7331

Fort Rucker, AL 36362

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Little Annie Ohio

After Mother's birthday gathering on August 27, I hurried back to Helena so I could be rested enough for Sunday. At 0 Dark 30, I took Ann to the airport for her flight to Ohio. All went smoothly, and she spent a week with her mother (who celebrated her birthday on August 29).

Ann had great visits with family and friends, but mostly spent time with her mom. They had a spa day on Wednesday. On Friday, they attended a cousin's wedding -- Mary Waickman married Heinrick from South Africa. Her sister is married to a man from Peru -- Ann said there were lots of interesting accents at this party.

Today, Ann flew from Cleveland to Minneapolis to Salt Lake City to home. Thanks to Delta Airlines for providing safe transportation and bringing the love of my life back to the land she loves. Have a great Labor Day, all!