Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy birthday Sam!

Sammy boy turned 19 on Friday the 20th!  I think he had a pretty fantastic day.  He woke up to this photo in the Tribune, drove to Billings for the BIG weekend, and got to celebrate his special day with all his siblings and cousins at Nate and Joey's.  Plus, he finally got a guitar!
Have a happy year Mr. Sam!  We love you tons~


Shmoore said...

Happy belated birthday Sam. Great to see you over the big Billings weekend. Is the picture of you bunting??

Jan said...

Happy REALLY belated birthday, Sammy! Was good to be able to celebrate with you! Hope you have a fantastic year. It will be a learning one for sure!

Anonymous said...

Happy late b-day, Sam. It was good to see you over the big weekend. Best of luck with the training and look forward to hearing some good stories when you're done. Take care.
