Monday, June 20, 2011

Alabama Slamma

So first off I gotta say happy b-day to Jan, happy Father's Day to all the dads, and I've really loved all the family posts the last couple of weeks or so. I especially like the ones that are talking about Grandpa John. The one thing I would change if I could is the opportunity to meet, hug, and talk to my Grandpa. We have an awesome family and we all know it.

Life here in Austin is moving right along. MB, Rocco, and I are pretty much all moved in the new place. We both started orientation for the new job last week and are starting our shifts one week from today. The weather has been crazy with temps up to the 100's everyday. There is a record drought goin on in Texas right now so we are all on water restrictions.

One thing that I have been contemplating the last month or so is the beginning of my working career. Mostly that the career marks the end of my adolescence that a large part of me feels like I have been living the last decade or so. I guess 8 years of school kept me in the mindset of living test to test while having summer and weekends off. I feel like I'm actually somewhat of a grownup now with an actual job and actual responsibilities. Not to mention I'm going to be taking care of kids. That responsibility hasn't quite sunk in yet.

As far as the job goes, I'll be working twelve hours shifts 6 days a week. A brutal schedule to say the least. I start out on night shift, which means two other residents and I will be caring for basically all the patients in the hospital overnight. Straight into the fire!! A large part of me is excited but I'm also very anxious to get that first call from a nurse telling me that a patient is crashing and I need to do something now. But we'll cross that bridge when it comes.

Anyway, I hope I didn't bore everyone to tears. Hopefully I will get to come up to MT this fall during my vacation weeks.

Love all of you!!!

Jake Wingerter, MD


Hannah said...

I have no doubt that you will be a fantastic doctor. Still wish ya'll had gotten your job offers here in Utah, I would have waited til the middle of the night just so I could make sure my kids would get to see you as their primary care physician. :)

mary said...

Great post Jake! I love you and am very proud of the man you have become. Enjoy Austin~

Nateusmoore said...

Undershirt Boy would be proud of you, Jake. You'll be a great doc.

Jen said...

You are going to be awesome! I have no doubt that when the time comes, your instinct and amazing gift will take over and you will be the best doc on the ward! :) Glad to hear all is well in TX with the crew, hopefully you get the water restriction lifted, I am sure the folks in MT would gladly give you some of theirs!

meg and ry said...

Jake - Hope you and MB have an awesome time in Texas. I always thought it a bit nerve racking when I stopped to think of how all doctors got their start - I mean you can only "practice" on cadavers for so long. Eventually you gotta treat real people! But thank goodness for amazing people like you who are intelligent, grounded, and have great instincts. I think it's a lot like teaching in regards to hierarchy though - suck up to the janitors and techs and nurses. :) :) They can make life easier!!

Molly said...

Congrats again, Jake! I have no doubt that you will be a great doctor. I have huge respect for people who work night shifts. All of the doctors and nurses that I've talked to who work nights say they love it. And I completely understand what you mean about becoming a "grown up". I have a theatre major, so I'll never really be grown up, but I'm starting to feel more like it now with a job in a law firm and bills and such. Have to say, though, growing up is not that it's cracked up to be! Hopefully I can come visit you and MB in TX sometime! I'm sure I'll be seeing the Buyske's while they're down there.

Jan said...

Congratulations to you and MB, Jake!! I can't believe that we got two doctors in the family the same weekend - okay three counting MB. We are a stud family!! Good luck in Austin!