Thursday, July 08, 2010

Congratulations to All of the Dieters!

I think you guys are all awesome who took part in Hannah's diet plan.  Johnny did so well and lost weight and it shows.  I did have to post this and just say - I know that you had to drink a lot of water, but isn't this just taking it a bit to far . . . . . .


Jen said...

that is probably one of the best pictures ever!! Tyson wasn't quite sure what to think..but he followed suit not too long after! Way to go guys!

Hannah said...

K, so I thought maybe John was waterboarding himself as an effort to grovel to the winning team. :) Not that I was on it either, we both lost along with Peter and Bri to the Fyt Ninjas: Rika, Mark, Rileigh, and even NICK if ya'll can believe it!! Was fun!

mary said...

I love the pic! Good job all of you. That wasn't an easy diet to follow either so I applaud you all for sticking to it! It was fun to watch Nick be so vigilant!

Congrats to all of you! I might even join the next phase!

Anonymous said...

You are so in Mary, the "moore" the merrier!! haha, you might want to be on the winning team tho!!! oh yeeeah... super fun, i'm looking forward to the next round.


Anonymous said...

Next round starts August 2nd! Ya'all are welcome to step up and get in shape with us!!
ps. Frameable picture!