Last weekend Shannon entered the "real world." The newest college grad in the Moore family graduated with HIGHEST HONORS (taking after her big brother .... or not) from the College of Nursing from the greatest school in Montana. She becomes the 9th Montana State grad in the Moore family. Congratulations, Shan, I know you worked hard and it definitley shows. Have some fun now that care plans are done!
Congratulations, Shannon! I feel safer knowing that someone as smart as you has joined the medical field. Have some fun, celebrate, and let us know what your future holds.
Congratulations Shannon! I know you'll totally rock the medical field in your future endeavors.
Love..Uncle Jim
Well done, Shannon! And congrats on the high honors. If Nate had graduated with high honors, perhaps he could spell definitely.
Congratulations, Shannon. Highest honors, eh--definitely beats that older brother of yours. Way to go girl. Keep up the good work.
Love, Connie and Bill
Congrats Shan! Nate don't feel bad- if everyone graduated summa cum laud there definitely wouldn't be enough laud to go around.
What a super smartie!! I am sure you will make a fantastic nurse. Can't wait to hear what your next plans are. Keep us updated.
way to go shannon! i know i saw you the weekend you graduated..and it was fun! hope your studying goes well and good luck with the upcoming boards!
from libya congratsمن ليبيا إهنئك وأتمنى لك كل سعادة halem
Shannon, We were glad to be able to share a bit in your graduation weekend! We are proud of you and your accomplishments. Good luck with your boards and with the job hunt!! Love you!
Whoa- shout outs from Libya?
Ha, wow. Libya. Little known fact about Libya: It's the only country in the world with one solid color on their flag. It's green with no other characteristics. I was trying to think of how to tie that back into Shannon graduating but couldn't figure it out. (Maybe: I'm green, like Libya's flag, with envy that you graduated with highest honors and I didn't.)
Congratulations Shannon!
I guess on "hug your favorite nurse day" we're gonna have to have you and Miranda wrestle for hugs :) Just kidding, I am sure there are enough hugs to go around even if there isn't enough laud.
Congratulations Shannon! I know you will do fantastic on your boards. Enjoy your summer and good luck with the job hunt...shouldn't be too tough, you are awesome! Any future employer just needs to ask your family!!
Love ya
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