Tuesday, December 09, 2008

LT Buyske is coming home tomorrow!!!  HOORAY!!! Here is the family picture taken on the day Matt left for deployment back in May (sweet reflection off the Camry).  Tomorrow, I will have a NEW family picture to post: HOMECOMING!!!  Can you tell I'm excited? HOLY CHEESECAKES, I'M PUMPED!!!  
p.s. Lists, people.  Lists.    


mary said...

How exciting for you and the boys! I can't wait to see the "homecoming" photo! Have fun...

Anonymous said...

lol..you crack me up! i am sure you are super excited, as am I!! hope you have a great day and see you soon!

Abe said...

Absolutely fantastic. Welcome home tomorrow, Matt! And thank you!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, Matt.
Love that camero!
Connie and Bill

Jan said...

We have been thinking of you guys ALL DAY!! We are so excited to hear Matt's voice and see and new photo. Welcome home, son!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

Meghan said...


As one comes home, one leaves. Ryan found out yesterday his brother Rory is getting deployed to the desert. He leaves in January and is there until August. SO prayers for them!

Hannah said...

Can I just say I can't believe how long you have to go without your husband! Truly, I think it is something akin to superhuman on both your parts. So glad he's home in time for Christmas.