Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just To Get You Cat Fans in the Christmas Spirit

Go Griz!!!

Twas the week before playoffs

And all through the state,

Griz Nation was ready

We knew it’d be great!

First up Texas State and

Griz fans would not worry.

31 to 13

Skinned dem Cats in a hurry.

With a smug attitude

The Wildcats came flaunting

Our seismic North End Zone

Their players were taunting.

But once was enough

And redemption at hand

Weber got spanked

Now ain’t vengeance grand

Of the Dukes they all said

“They’re the best in the land,”

Redemption round two

Just as we planned.

Special Teams were excited

Showing grit and some gristle

Our defense ignited

And launched the Butte missile.

A pick and a swat

From a corner named Swink

On 4th down and 20

Duke’s hopes he did sink.

Bring on the Spiders ,

The Grizzlies don’t care

We’ve got Chase Reynolds

Who runs like a wild-hare

Mariani , Ferriter

Pfaler and Beaudin

Our feared air attack

Will soon be explodin’!

Now on-Quinn, now on-Horn,

And don’t forget Dow

On Hillesland, on Dyk,

Bring it O-line Kapow!

When all are covered

with a juke and twist

He carries the rock

Our mighty Cole Bergquist.

Too many great players

To name in a poem

But at Finley Stadium

All Grizzlies will roam.

Under Friday night lights

Our fans have a wish

The Grizzlies will find

Some Spiders to squish

We’re ready and willing

And can’t hardly wait

The players, the coaches

This game could be fate.

You’ve practiced, you’ve sweated,

You’ve worked the whole season

The Championship Game

Is the one single reason.

So Santa is here

To offer a toast

To the Montana Grizzlies

The team we love most.

To all of our coaches

in this season of light

Merry Grizmas to all

And to all a good Brody McKnight

UDS Crew 2008


Anonymous said...

very cute, and I wish them the best. But I can honestly say I won't be watching...I will actually be driving home from Kalispell Friday night (darn!). Go griz and Go Saints!!

Nateusmoore said...

Cute, Jan, cute. Go Saints. Go Spiders.

Anonymous said...

Cute poem, Jan
But let's not forget the Saints who have been there a lot more than the Grizzlies. We wish both teams the best of luck.
Connie and Bill

Jan said...

Oh we are definitely cheering on those Saints. We saw a few of their games this year and it was fun!! I think it was more fun watching their quarterback who was hurt and out. He used to jump around and wave his crutches all the time!! So GO SAINTS!!