Thursday, July 31, 2008
Happy Birthday, Ann!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Family Picnic 2008
Big thanks to John and Ann for all their hard work in putting together the family picnic at Holter Lake this year. Also, huge thanks to Ryan for bringing and captaining his family's boat all day. We had a great time seeing everyone, and look forward to seeing you in October.
More picnic pictures HERE!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Nate (Missouri)!!
Happy, Happy Birthday Nate, Mr. "Show Me State" man. Can't believe you're 23 years old. My how time flies. Hope you have a great day and a great year ahead. It was wonderful to spend the weekend with you. You were pretty lucky to have been able to spend your Birthday weekend with almost the entire family.
We're very proud of you.
Mom, Dad, and Shannon
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The State I'm In
Last year, when everyone suddenly realized that the number of members in our family was approaching the number of states in the Union, some of us sat in Grandma's living room and hammered out which state each of us represented. Briana heroically chronicled the results here.
Since then, there has been much discussion (alright, some discussion) about how everyone can more fully identify with and embrace his or her state. Some have suggested, for example, that Nate actually move to Missouri. Perhaps a good way to start is for everyone to just have one simple but interesting fact about their state at their disposal, to be shared in some manner at the family picnic. For example, Nick (being so enamoured of lovely Arkansas) could let us know that last month the mayor of Helena, Arkansas took all the dogs from the local animal shelter and released them into the wilderness to live as dogs did in their glory days before domestication. Or you could tell us something with a bit more historical relevance. Up to you.
Signed, New Hampshire
(p.s. the above map displays percentage of citizens who are obese - way to go Montana!)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Happy Birthday, WD!!
I don't have a picture to post, but wanted to send out a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Billy!! I hope that you have a chance to enjoy your day - maybe gamble a little and go out for dinner! We are thinking of you on your special day and will raise a toast in your honor tonight! Have a great day!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Happy Birthday, Samuel Jesse Wingerter!!

So send a shout out to Sam and wish him happy days and good luck at the tourney! We love you tons, Samster!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The Count Down to P-day Begins
We (Sabina and I) are so excited to see the family next weekend! Yeah! Peter will have to miss this year as he can hardly breathe he has sooo much work to do on his book, doctorate, etc. before the highly anticipated graduation day of August 29th!
This summer we have been blessed with a visit from Oma Ann and Opa John around the 4th of July and a fantastic trip to San Diego for Desirees bridal shower - which was delightfully fun and included meeting her amazing-welcoming-sweet family, meeting Piper (she is so perfect!), and hanging by the pool with my mama and Maurika in the beautiful California sun. The Dragontree had a 5 year birthday party that was a huge success and the Clearing Cafe is getting busier every day and expanding our menu!
I can't wait to see everyone. (We're counting the days to P(incnic) Day)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Oops - A Great Montana Summer
Abe's picture of a great summer in Chicago was great, but I just don't think it can get any better than spending time with the three grandbabies. Ben took right to the pool and William wasn't quite as thrilled. Grampa Marc bought William his first pole and they fished up at Grampa Bingo's! And of course, Tyson! He was talking to Grampa Marc in this picture. I hope everyone is having as great a summer as we are. We are looking forward to seeing you in our area next weekend - yahoo!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Landscaping project
On Sunday, quite a crew gathered to plant the front-yard area at Mom's house. First off, kudos to Ryan for (1) overseeing the concrete-curbing installation and (2) leveling the ground and placing new sod over the rest of the old spruce patch. It looks great! (Ryan had to forego the planting for Guard duty.)

The planting crew consisted of Ben and Jake (nice prep work, too); Jen and Molly (they got along pretty well); Marc and Jan (they got along pretty well, too); Mary and Madison (joined at the hip, I think); and Connie (batting cleanup). Charlie Rice helped with some of the early weed work, and Mike Hollern donated and delivered the rock.
All in all, it was a great early birthday installation. Great work!

The planting crew consisted of Ben and Jake (nice prep work, too); Jen and Molly (they got along pretty well); Marc and Jan (they got along pretty well, too); Mary and Madison (joined at the hip, I think); and Connie (batting cleanup). Charlie Rice helped with some of the early weed work, and Mike Hollern donated and delivered the rock.
All in all, it was a great early birthday installation. Great work!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Poirier Reunion
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
Happy 1st Anniversary, Meg and Ryan!!
Happy Anniversary to the Newest Parents of the group!
I am sorry that I don't have any pictures, but I wanted to wish Meghan and Ryan a wonderful 1-year anniversary before it was over in Japan! What a way to celebrate the first year than with a newborn! You two are very special and thank you for taking all the pressure off Kelly and I as the bearer of grandchildren for Mom. :) Love you two.
Anyone else with a picture please feel free to post on top of me.
Anyone else with a picture please feel free to post on top of me.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Well I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend.
We had a great 4th that was highlighted by a good 5K race and my recently aquired horse being ridden in the Grantsville parade by a student in the local riding academy. He is a 6 year Paint gelding named "Cowboy". Beryl also got a horse, a 15 year old quarter horse mare named "Dutchess".
Saturday evening we went for a beautiful trail ride up in the Oquirrh mountains.
The Rocking Goat Ranch just keeps growing.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Happy 29th Birthday, Matt!
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