Tuesday, January 31, 2006
The Chronicles of Narnia.
This link was on Abe's other blog, twogoodlegs, and I thought that it needed to be shared. http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=zLElfJ9YCh0
Monday, January 30, 2006
Moore Family New Year

Moore Family New Year Well, being that this is my second favorite website to visit daily, I thought I would just post a picture and a lil' update. Life is still just bustling on its way, even moreso now that I am thirty. Yes, thirty! Whenever I thought of the age thirty, I always thought of Mary for some reason. I guess I now feel that I am Mary's age. It is actually an awesome age to be. Life is grand and I hope we all know it. Anyway, this was the kids on Christmas Eve all nativitied up. I love Kesiah's bare lil' Jesus toes. Much Love.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Joke of the day ...
Paddy was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an important meeting and couldn't find a parking place.
Looking up to heaven he said, "Lord take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of me life and give up me Irish Whiskey".
Miraculously, a parking place appeared. Paddy looked up again and said, "Never mind, I found one."
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Monday, January 23, 2006
(If the video is stuttering, just press pause and go chill out for about 15 minutes, then come back and press play again. It should work then.)
(If the video is stuttering, just press pause and go chill out for about 15 minutes, then come back and press play again. It should work then.)
Friday, January 20, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Monday, January 16, 2006
The Great Northwest

What's up everyone... I was just sitting here at the computer so I thought I would just post something. Hope everyone is having a great MLK Day, we didn't have class today but FedEx Ground is operating so I have to go to work later today. Nothing much new here in Bozeman, we started school last Wednesday and I already hate it, so that's awesome. Last night a big group of us went to a Brad Paisley, Teri Clark, and Billy Currington concert at the Fieldhouse and it was a heck of a show. For those that don't know any of those singers, they are all country artists. Some more exciting news is that right now it's looking like two of my buddies from high school and my dad and I are going to head out to Seattle this weekend for the Seahawks playoff game vs. the Carolina Panthers. If all goes as planned it should be a trip to remember. I've never been to an NFL game and I would guess this would be a great first game. I added a picture of the field just for some flavor. Welp, that's all I have. Hope all is going great and hope everyone that's in college has fun in school, I know I will be having tons of fun. Nothing like some literary criticism at nine in the morning. Oh well, maybe I'll learn something from Plato or Socrates. Alright, well everyone keep in touch and have a great MLK Day. Peace.
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Hi, all. I'm going to put a little different blip on this blog. You've been warned.
I work for the State of Montana. It's a rather odd thing that ... after some real resistance from many Montanans ... your public servants now observe the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. It's a state holiday.
The weird part is not that we honor him, it's that it's a holiday. It should be a "workaday." We should each be working hard to advance the principles that King put forth -- love, peace, equality, justice.
I'll do a little bit on Monday. But it's not enough. I know that I need to do more to make this city - state - world a better place. What will you do?
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Abe and John - I love the new look of our blog...quite sophisticated. Things are going really well in Portland, other than the tremendous down pour of rain that seems never ending - but I have to admit that I knew it was rainy here before I moved here - so I get what I deserve, and it's well worth it.
I missed seeing everyone at Christmas, but I thought about you all so often and am glad that the holidays treated everyone well. We had a mellow Christmas with some friends, with no break from work...but we are looking forward to a trip to Italy in May - so the time worked now seems worth it.
I love you all and hope to keep this blog up - it is so nice to hear from everyone.
Oh...and if you haven't voted (and you can vote everyday) for The Dragontree as Portlands best spa please do, you have my promise that we really are the best spa in Portland - and you can come and check it out to see for yourself! To vote go to www.portland.citysearch.com
Be well
I missed seeing everyone at Christmas, but I thought about you all so often and am glad that the holidays treated everyone well. We had a mellow Christmas with some friends, with no break from work...but we are looking forward to a trip to Italy in May - so the time worked now seems worth it.
I love you all and hope to keep this blog up - it is so nice to hear from everyone.
Oh...and if you haven't voted (and you can vote everyday) for The Dragontree as Portlands best spa please do, you have my promise that we really are the best spa in Portland - and you can come and check it out to see for yourself! To vote go to www.portland.citysearch.com
Be well
Monday, January 09, 2006
Chi City
Hey y'all. Just thought I'd drop a note to say how much fun I had hanging out with everyone on Christmas. I was disappointed that I didn't get to see the Buyskes, though. After I left Great Falls, I drove to Missoula, then to Helena, where I was able to hang out with at least one Buyske. Joey drove down and went out shooting with some of my friends, then we went back to John's and played music until the wee hours. Very fun.
AND... as luck would have it, I had the chance to hang out with another Buyske yesterday. Yes, Molly was in Chicago on a trip with her improv class, and had a few hours of free time. We went to the top of the Hancock building, then cruised around the city for a bit and showed her the condo. Very nice to see her.
That's two Buyskes down, six to go.
Oh, also, I heard from Hannah that the CD I sent her with the Family Picnic movie on it was cracked in the mail. I sent a copy to everyone, so if yours was cracked too, just drop a note in the comments section here and I'll send you a new one with better packaging.
Happy New Year.
AND... as luck would have it, I had the chance to hang out with another Buyske yesterday. Yes, Molly was in Chicago on a trip with her improv class, and had a few hours of free time. We went to the top of the Hancock building, then cruised around the city for a bit and showed her the condo. Very nice to see her.
That's two Buyskes down, six to go.
Oh, also, I heard from Hannah that the CD I sent her with the Family Picnic movie on it was cracked in the mail. I sent a copy to everyone, so if yours was cracked too, just drop a note in the comments section here and I'll send you a new one with better packaging.
Happy New Year.
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Well ... Happy New Year to all! And, as of today, Happy Epiphany! I hope that everyone's travels were safe and smooth. Here's a greeting from Ann's side of the family -- her mom with a quintessential message.
After you catch your breath from the holidays, keep this blog in mind. It will be great for us all to stay in touch. So do your part.
Love y'all.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
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