Thursday, April 27, 2017

Welcome Jude Abram Moore

Desirée delivered Jude at 10:25 a.m. at Northwestern Hospital, Chicago.  He weighs 7lb, 10oz.  Mother and child are both doing fine.  Abe said the expectant parents were able to walk from their house to the hospital – in the rain. 

Jude shares his birthday with Kesiah. (Happy Birthday, Kesiah!)

Congratulations to the growing family!

Friday, April 07, 2017

Welcome Jolee Adelaide Haraden!

Shannon and Birch are excited to announce the birth of Jolee Adelaide Haraden!  Jolee was born this morning, April 7th, in Sheridan, Wyoming, at 10:28 AM.  She weighs in at 7 pounds and 9 ounces. Shannon (and Birch, I'm assuming) and baby are doing amazingly well!

Mom and Dad are down in Sheridan today and I know they are over the moon ecstatic right now with the birth of their first grandchild.  I know I'm insanely excited about being a first time uncle!  She even shares her state with me - pretty cool.  Love her already.

Here are a couple pics of the new baby, new mom, and new grandparents.

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Happy Birthday Connie!

This is a picture of Connie blowing out her candles last weekend when Mary, John, Tom, and I gathered to celebrate.  Always fun to get together with family.  Happy belated birthday Connie!