Saturday, January 30, 2016
Ranch House print

Friday, January 29, 2016
Happy Birthday, Mom
Our wonderful mom turns 55 today. Dee and I made it over to Great Falls for a long weekend and all the siblings (minus Nick) will be here to celebrate as well. Madison plays a game in Cascade tonight then it's a 48 hour party! I feel very blessed to have been born into this amazing family and feel like I won the lottery as far as moms go. Don't mind my brother in the picture above, I just love Mom's smile in this.
Love ya!
Monday, January 25, 2016
I am going through the smiling/crying period. I have all the family pictures laid out on the floor to arrange so we can put them on the wall. We have PJ and Sanford; Bid and Grandad with Bid's mom Josie; Nan and Gran with Nan's dad Peter Shannon; Dad and Buck as littles; Mom and Dad's high school graduation pictures; Marc's side of the family. What memories we both have looking at these. But then how much we miss each and every one of them!
Friday, January 22, 2016
Memories from Will
Even though I met Grandma a few
times, there is just a little I remember about her and her house. Like most of her great-grandchildren, a very
clear memory of Grandma’s house is the toy basket. Maddie used to play with me
and I would drive a little Jeep around the house while she chased me. I will
probably always remember Grandma’s smile and chuckle as we went past her. When
I was eight we visited Grandma at her condo. My brothers and I wrestled around
in the grass next to the house while Grandma chatted with Mom. I would usually
ask my brothers what their favorite part at Grandma’s was, and they would
almost always answer, ”The toy bin!”
At Grandma’s funeral I wished that I
had met Grandma more before she passed away. She was such a kind-hearted,
gentle lady, and I’m glad that I met Grandma while I could. God bless you all,
and I especially pray for the health of Joey and Erin’s second baby.
Love and blessings,
William Buyske
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Memories from Kelly
(I just love Gramma Jeanne's expressions in these pics
taken in August, 2013 - had to include them!)
Hello Moore Family!
I have so loved reading the many wonderful Gramma Jeanne stories you all have shared. Thank you for putting into words what this amazing woman has meant to your life. I often tell people that I won the "In-Law Lottery" when I married Matt, and I really do believe that. You all are amazing and wonderful people to know.
Gramma Jeanne set such a quiet, strong example of faithfulness to God. Dang, this gal was a good Catholic! Never assuming and always accepting in my experience, I am honored to have been able to join this family and experience her wisdom and integrity.
More than any single incident, what I will remember about Jeanne is how it was almost like a surreal, special effects type of close up whenever I had the chance to really talk to her. Everything else zoomed out, and the focus was on the conversation and moment we were sharing. There was an intensity in sharing words with this woman, but it was completely welcoming and heart warming. You just felt good and loved around her!
We pray for the repose of Gramma Jeanne's soul every day, but I'm pretty confident she and John are up in heaven turning cartwheels and throwing really great parties. I'll pray that someday we'll all be up there to join in!
With love,
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Memories from Peter
I liked Jeanne right away. Early on in my introduction to the family, as probably so many other in-laws have experienced, there was this daunting period of having to learn what seemed like about 100 names. But Briana said, "If you forget her name, just call her Grandma." As it happened, I never did have trouble remembering her name, and she never had trouble remembering mine. As soon as she spotted me at a family gathering, she'd say, "PETER! How are you?" Toward the end, she still recognized me, although she did pull me aside and point across the room at Briana and said, "Now, who's that one?"
As many have said, she was such a delightful combination of sweetness and no-nonsense.
Also, she was kind. Once, we decided to make Thai noodles with peanut sauce at her house, and it was pretty clear that that sounded like a horrible idea to her, but she tried them and said, "It's interesting!" Good enough!
Another time, we were helping her unpack some Christmas decorations and I got hungry. There wasn't much to eat, but she pointed out a plastic container with some saltines in it. The moment I put one in my mouth I knew it was a mistake. Back in school, one of my professors really tried to impress upon us the unhealthiness of consuming rancid oils. He said once, "If you're ever eating a nut and you discover it's rancid, I don't care if the Queen herself gave it to you. Spit it out!" Now this cracker was seriously rancid. Not just rancid but chewy. Crackers should not be chewy. That professor's words popped into my head and I thought, "I need to get this out of my mouth immediately." But as I turned back to her, having just popped that chewy, rancid cracker in my mouth, she said, "Peter! THANK YOU so much for helping me with this stuff." And I chewed it up and swallowed it and said, "You're so welcome, Jeanne!" It was worth it.
Thanks, everyone, for welcoming me into your family.
I liked Jeanne right away. Early on in my introduction to the family, as probably so many other in-laws have experienced, there was this daunting period of having to learn what seemed like about 100 names. But Briana said, "If you forget her name, just call her Grandma." As it happened, I never did have trouble remembering her name, and she never had trouble remembering mine. As soon as she spotted me at a family gathering, she'd say, "PETER! How are you?" Toward the end, she still recognized me, although she did pull me aside and point across the room at Briana and said, "Now, who's that one?"
As many have said, she was such a delightful combination of sweetness and no-nonsense.
Also, she was kind. Once, we decided to make Thai noodles with peanut sauce at her house, and it was pretty clear that that sounded like a horrible idea to her, but she tried them and said, "It's interesting!" Good enough!
Another time, we were helping her unpack some Christmas decorations and I got hungry. There wasn't much to eat, but she pointed out a plastic container with some saltines in it. The moment I put one in my mouth I knew it was a mistake. Back in school, one of my professors really tried to impress upon us the unhealthiness of consuming rancid oils. He said once, "If you're ever eating a nut and you discover it's rancid, I don't care if the Queen herself gave it to you. Spit it out!" Now this cracker was seriously rancid. Not just rancid but chewy. Crackers should not be chewy. That professor's words popped into my head and I thought, "I need to get this out of my mouth immediately." But as I turned back to her, having just popped that chewy, rancid cracker in my mouth, she said, "Peter! THANK YOU so much for helping me with this stuff." And I chewed it up and swallowed it and said, "You're so welcome, Jeanne!" It was worth it.
Thanks, everyone, for welcoming me into your family.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Memories from Kesiah
I remember celebrating Grama's birthday with Uncle Jim and her
cribbage cake. She would send me birthday cards that would have a different age than I was which was always funny. What I remembered most is that she always gave
us great hugs and seemed to be smiling. I am glad that she would come see Uncle Jim so much when he lived here because it was nice to see her.
Happy Birthday, Mom!
I just wanted to take a quick second to wish my mom a Happy Birthday!
I was lucky enough to be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas to spend time with mom and the family. Shannon got mom a selfie stick for Christmas for their Hawaii trip so we were trying it out after opening presents. I asked her if she could read this non-existent fine print on my phone from 4 feet away and after trying and trying she finally got closer and I got the picture. That's when she figured out I had tricked her.
She's such a good sport that it actually turned out to be a picture I think is awesome and she'll totally be cool with me posting it here. Happy birthday, mom! Love you!
I was lucky enough to be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas to spend time with mom and the family. Shannon got mom a selfie stick for Christmas for their Hawaii trip so we were trying it out after opening presents. I asked her if she could read this non-existent fine print on my phone from 4 feet away and after trying and trying she finally got closer and I got the picture. That's when she figured out I had tricked her.
She's such a good sport that it actually turned out to be a picture I think is awesome and she'll totally be cool with me posting it here. Happy birthday, mom! Love you!
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Grandma Jeanne
I did not get to spend much alone time with Grandma, but she did teach me to play cribbage. I have shared this game with my own family but it always reminds me of Grandma Jeanne when I play. I wasn't close to my own grandparents, so I appreciate Grandma welcoming me into the family like she did. She was very important to Miranda and so was very important to me. She will be missed.
Nathan M.
Nathan M.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Memories from Carter
I remember getting birthday cards from Grama with some cash
and handwriting that my Mom had to read because I couldn’t. I remember being at
Uncle Jim’s house in Grantsville with Grama and she was trying to convince him
to let us watch a movie that he didn’t want. I remember coming in from
gathering Jim’s eggs and Grama had little baggies of toy animals and candy for
us. I also remember her trying to teach me cribbage and I was not very good.
But she was nice and patient.
Memories from Mikayla
When we were in Montana a
few years ago, I was hanging back with Opa J and Grama Jeanne at the hotel room
and we decided to play a dice game. And every time that Opa got any kind of
point, Grama accused him of cheating and would say, “I can’t believe you would
cheat against your own mother and granddaughter”. And every time I got a point,
she was proud, saying, “Good Job!” She would also always tell me that I look
just like my mom. I remember once
going to her old house when I was really little and I went to open a cupboard
that was apparently the “birthday” cupboard and I saw a great doll in there.
Grama saw me and ushered me away saying that was off limits but I mentioned the
doll and just happened to get it for my birthday a few months later. It has
been my favorite doll since that day that I still adore.
Friday, January 08, 2016
Memories from Jerry
So there are two memories of grandma that stick out to me
the most.
First, she came and stayed with us once back when we lived
in married student housing. We had her sleep in our bed and we slept out in the
front room. It was a great setup but the next day, she seemed actually upset
that she had taken our bed. When Hannah protested that it was really fine, she
said, “Oh, Bullsh**, if I come stay again, you will sleep in your own bed”.
Second, after Abe’s wedding we were driving her back to the
hotel and the surroundings got her to reminiscing about when she was first married
and her husband was in the military. She talked about her memories of him and
his war stories and it was clear to see what great memories they were for her. She
really lit up talking about him and that time for them and it was a great
Grama Moore has always been an inspiration to me and my
family. I admired her spiritual strength and sense of family and her example
has been something I have tried to emulate.
Monday, January 04, 2016
Remembering Grandma Jeanne
I have to admit, when I was younger I was a bit intimidated by Grandma Jeanne. She, to me, was always a very strong figure, the matriarch of our family, a woman who wasn't necessarily loud but definitely powerful. I think we'll all miss the memories we had together in her old house. I remember her as clever, witty, sometimes sassy, always full of love. Remembering her smile makes my heart warm. I loved seeing the pictures my mom took of Grandma Jeanne's photo albums when she went to visit her and hearing the stories behind the pictures (or what little detail Grandma was willing to reveal in some cases). I wish I had more time to talk to her and hear more stories, but I feel grateful to have had the time that I did with her in my life. I hope I can live up to my middle name and be as strong and honest as she was. I love you all and I hope your holidays have been full of family and smiles ❤️Rileigh
Sunday, January 03, 2016
Hello everyone! I hope your holiday season has been filled with much laughter and love. I wish you all a great new year as we begin 2016.
Grandma... Oh man, where do I even begin? Grandma Jeanne was an incredible woman whose faith, love, and strength were limitless. She gave the biggest and warmest hugs I have ever received and she was always there when you walked in the door with such a grand smile and welcoming arms. I remember as a child, grandma's house was like going on vacation. There was always something going on at her house and there was never a dull moment. I think my favorite part of grandma's house was her candy drawer, that was always stocked with candy, and those vanilla, chocolate and strawberry waffle cookies. Mmm, my mouth waters just thinking about them! The holidays were always so much fun at grandma's house. I can remember all of us sitting around in the living room playing catch phrase and me not knowing what anything meant but still laughing and giggling with all of them family gathered around. There was no better way to spend the holidays than at grandma's house with all the love and joy surrounding us.
As I have been trying to thinking of different memories of grandma, the only ones that have really stuck out were fairly recent. As it is Sunday, I remember mom, dad and I picking up grandma to take her to church at Holy Spirit and every Sunday, and I mean EVERY Sunday, as we would drive by Schulte's Coffee House grandma would always mention how there were cars in that parking lot no matter what time of the day or what day of the week it was. And every time we would just agree and laugh about it because she said it every Sunday. Going along with the Sunday themed memories, every Sunday evening we would have dinner together as a family and mom would either call herself or ask one of us kids to call grandma and invite her to dinner that night. Her response to our question was alway, "No, you guys have had enough of me. You don't need to have any more of me in your way." We would tell her that we will be there later to get her and to not put one of her freezer dinners into the oven. And so later in the night one of us would go get her, either from the condo or the Highgate, and I remember anytime I would be the one to do it that I was in for a treat. After I picked her up, the car ride was the best part of it all. She would ask me multiple times, "So, how's school? Do you like Central? I'm so glad you are there and not CMR or GFH." It was then that I knew how proud my grandma really was of me. She may not have been able to attend many of my sporting events because she never knew what was going on, but she made sure to tell me that she was proud of me and who I have become thus far.
It is kind of difficult for me to believe that my grandma, who has been there for me for everything, will not be attending my high school graduation. She will not be there to give me one of her big, warm hugs on one of the biggest days of my life but I know that she will be there and that she will always be watching over me and the rest of my family.
Heaven gained one amazing angel and I am blessed to know that both my grandma and grandpa will be watching over me and protecting me. I love you so much grandma and I miss you everyday.
I love you all and again I hope you all have a fantastic year!
God bless you all,
Grandma... Oh man, where do I even begin? Grandma Jeanne was an incredible woman whose faith, love, and strength were limitless. She gave the biggest and warmest hugs I have ever received and she was always there when you walked in the door with such a grand smile and welcoming arms. I remember as a child, grandma's house was like going on vacation. There was always something going on at her house and there was never a dull moment. I think my favorite part of grandma's house was her candy drawer, that was always stocked with candy, and those vanilla, chocolate and strawberry waffle cookies. Mmm, my mouth waters just thinking about them! The holidays were always so much fun at grandma's house. I can remember all of us sitting around in the living room playing catch phrase and me not knowing what anything meant but still laughing and giggling with all of them family gathered around. There was no better way to spend the holidays than at grandma's house with all the love and joy surrounding us.
As I have been trying to thinking of different memories of grandma, the only ones that have really stuck out were fairly recent. As it is Sunday, I remember mom, dad and I picking up grandma to take her to church at Holy Spirit and every Sunday, and I mean EVERY Sunday, as we would drive by Schulte's Coffee House grandma would always mention how there were cars in that parking lot no matter what time of the day or what day of the week it was. And every time we would just agree and laugh about it because she said it every Sunday. Going along with the Sunday themed memories, every Sunday evening we would have dinner together as a family and mom would either call herself or ask one of us kids to call grandma and invite her to dinner that night. Her response to our question was alway, "No, you guys have had enough of me. You don't need to have any more of me in your way." We would tell her that we will be there later to get her and to not put one of her freezer dinners into the oven. And so later in the night one of us would go get her, either from the condo or the Highgate, and I remember anytime I would be the one to do it that I was in for a treat. After I picked her up, the car ride was the best part of it all. She would ask me multiple times, "So, how's school? Do you like Central? I'm so glad you are there and not CMR or GFH." It was then that I knew how proud my grandma really was of me. She may not have been able to attend many of my sporting events because she never knew what was going on, but she made sure to tell me that she was proud of me and who I have become thus far.
It is kind of difficult for me to believe that my grandma, who has been there for me for everything, will not be attending my high school graduation. She will not be there to give me one of her big, warm hugs on one of the biggest days of my life but I know that she will be there and that she will always be watching over me and the rest of my family.
Heaven gained one amazing angel and I am blessed to know that both my grandma and grandpa will be watching over me and protecting me. I love you so much grandma and I miss you everyday.
I love you all and again I hope you all have a fantastic year!
God bless you all,
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