Friday, December 16, 2016
Sayonara Windy City!
After 4 1/2 years, Shane and I are saying goodbye to Chicago! We have certainly enjoyed Chicago and are so glad we moved here, but we've definitely had our challenges. We are moving this weekend back to MONTANA and we are so excited to be back home and closer to family. We aren't 100% sure where we will end up yet (either Bozeman or Helena), but we are just glad to be around family and friends again.
We hope you all have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year. We hope to see you soon!!
Molly (& Shane)
Thursday, December 08, 2016
The Cemetery Gang
Mary's post was great. I'll add a few photos. Here's the gang at the graves – except for Ann (someone had to take the photo). Below that, you'll see the memorial markers in place. It was a touching event with great stories and memories. Thanks to Jan and Marc for bring the Bailey's, the Jameson's, and the little red Solo cups. Nice touch.
Tuesday, December 06, 2016
Wonderful weekend~
The senior Moores all gathered this past weekend to commemorate Dad's birthday and the anniversary of Mom's funeral. We had a great lunch, wrote our checks to Tom's charity (the backpack program for Billings schools), visited the cemetery and saw the headstones, and shared a terrific dinner prepared by Jim W. Sunday Mass was for Dad so some of us made it to church as well.
This is such an amazing family and I thank God for all of you. I hear so many times, especially since I work at the church, these families that come in for funeral planning and they can't even be civil to each other. We are very lucky to have been raised by these amazing people who instilled in us the joy of family.
It has been a tough few weeks for me. I miss Mom every day. This gathering came at a wonderful time for me. I love you all!
And Connie, this is the photo I posted on facebook. Mom was truly a beautiful person~
This is such an amazing family and I thank God for all of you. I hear so many times, especially since I work at the church, these families that come in for funeral planning and they can't even be civil to each other. We are very lucky to have been raised by these amazing people who instilled in us the joy of family.
It has been a tough few weeks for me. I miss Mom every day. This gathering came at a wonderful time for me. I love you all!
And Connie, this is the photo I posted on facebook. Mom was truly a beautiful person~
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Okay, kids – It's time to do a bit of planning. For the senior siblings, I believe it now stands that only Connie, Tom, and Jimmy may nominate a charity for our joint contribution this year.
The past three years, the senior siblings have also made a joint contribution on behalf of Mom. Do we wish to continue that?
All the cousins have pooled and selected a charity over the past three years. Yer on yer own to decide whether to continue that and how to do it. Best get working on it.
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving, with all the continued blessings we enjoy.
The past three years, the senior siblings have also made a joint contribution on behalf of Mom. Do we wish to continue that?
All the cousins have pooled and selected a charity over the past three years. Yer on yer own to decide whether to continue that and how to do it. Best get working on it.
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving, with all the continued blessings we enjoy.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Aunt Jean's 90th Birthday
Johnny, Annie, Marc and I were lucky enough to be able to go out to Montana City Grill on Sunday to celebrate Aunt Jean's 90th birthday with her and Jane, Rob, and family. We had a great visit with Aunt Jean who is doing amazingly well. She and I were talking and there were pitchers of beer all over the table and I asked if she wanted a glass and in her sweet way she said "I would like a drink but no one has asked me!" Well, birthday girl got a big glass of wine so she was a happy camper. What a sweetheart!

Saturday, November 05, 2016
Even more Moores?
Happy Saturday to you all from the Haradens in the great state of WY! The state with the lowest population and quite possibly the smallest impact in our upcoming election. We hope this post finds you all well. We are enjoying a lovely fall here in Sheridan and hope all of you are too!
It has been awhile since we have updated you on our happenings, but we do have some very exciting news to share. We will also be welcoming a new member into our family come April! We are super excited, as are Mom, Dad and Nate. I am finally starting to feel human again now that the first trimester is behind me. My arthritis hasn't been quite as cooperative as we had hoped, but hopefully I will have some more medication options the further along I get. We don't have a ton of other news to report. We have settled into this school year nicely and enjoyed lots of fall football! We'll leave you with some pictures from our summer adventures!

It has been awhile since we have updated you on our happenings, but we do have some very exciting news to share. We will also be welcoming a new member into our family come April! We are super excited, as are Mom, Dad and Nate. I am finally starting to feel human again now that the first trimester is behind me. My arthritis hasn't been quite as cooperative as we had hoped, but hopefully I will have some more medication options the further along I get. We don't have a ton of other news to report. We have settled into this school year nicely and enjoyed lots of fall football! We'll leave you with some pictures from our summer adventures!

Wednesday, November 02, 2016
Cemetary markers
Connie reported today that Mt. Olivet Cemetary was placing the markers for our parents. The next step is to hold a graveside gathering to commemorate the markers and honor the folks. We're thinking about December 3, Dad's birthday. If you have ideas, please chime in.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Happy 35th birthday Benjamin!
Yep! This guy is 35 years old...yesterday~ I am a day late but its the thought that counts! This picture is at Goose Bay, one of Ben's "happy places".
Happy 35th Benjamin James! Love you tons~
Happy 35th Benjamin James! Love you tons~
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Another Moore on the way!
Abe and Desirée announced today that they are expecting their third little one. Here is how they learned whether it's a boy or a girl ...
Friday, September 30, 2016
Amazon Smile
Hello, generous family members. If any of you are Amazon shoppers, please consider doing your buying through Amazon Smile. Through this site, Amazon donates a small percentage of your purchases to charity. You get to designate the charity, and the Lost & Foundation is registered with Amazon Smile. Please consider it. Now, back to your regularly scheduled blogging.

Friday, September 23, 2016
the Trifecta of Birthdays today!
Yep! We have three birthdays on September 23rd so it is a fun day to celebrate!
Jimmy turns another year older. I am hoping he had a fantastic day and has a great weekend planned. Maybe a car show??
Jimmy turns another year older. I am hoping he had a fantastic day and has a great weekend planned. Maybe a car show??
Happy birthday Jimmy!
Nickolas Jorge also has a birthday today. He turns 30 years old! Maddie and I drove to Helena and had lunch with Nick and Christina. They are going to Bozeman for the Cats game tomorrow.
Happy Birthday Nick!
And Ainzleigh Shannon has a birthday today. She is one year old! And this smile would melt any grandma's heart. Such a cutie!
Happy Birthday Z! We love you tons~
Such a beautiful fall day for so many birthdays! Have a good one y'all~
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Ireland Sojourn
Ann and I returned yesterday from a couple weeks in Ireland, where we traveled with Abe, Desiree, Johnny, Poppy, and Des's folks Norm and Maura. Our main spots were Dublin, Castle Leslie, and Ballylagan Organic Farm. We also had a few side trips. It was a great and novel experience, Here are a few photos without much need for commentary.

Friday, September 02, 2016
College Freshman Wingerter
Jim and I have survived our first week with no kids in the house. It is really quiet and we weren't rushing to any Volleyball games. Since I changed jobs and Maddie graduated, I also don't have any weekly or monthly meetings either. Quite a change for this couple who have been on the go with kids for 36 years!
Maddie is at University of Montana Western in Dillon. Her first class is Psychology and she is really enjoying it, although she has a ton of work to do every day. Her roommate is very nice and really quiet so I am hoping she can survive Maddie!
All in all the changes in the Wingerter household are exciting as we figure out our life as a couple again. And we both are very excited for Madison's adventure in college too. Hope all is well with y'all! We are off to Power tonight to watch the Central Mustang football team. Nice little road trip~
Here are a few photos of Maddie's room and her first weekend...
Maddie is at University of Montana Western in Dillon. Her first class is Psychology and she is really enjoying it, although she has a ton of work to do every day. Her roommate is very nice and really quiet so I am hoping she can survive Maddie!
All in all the changes in the Wingerter household are exciting as we figure out our life as a couple again. And we both are very excited for Madison's adventure in college too. Hope all is well with y'all! We are off to Power tonight to watch the Central Mustang football team. Nice little road trip~
Here are a few photos of Maddie's room and her first weekend...
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Somerville Update
Hello my beautiful family! I haven't posted in a while so I figured I would provide an update on the happenings of the Somervilles here in Chicago. But before I get to that, I wanted to mark Grandma's birthday (a day late) with a baseball story. Summertime always makes people think of baseball and this summer I couldn't help but laugh as I remembered Grandma. She always made it to a number of the Wingerter boys' baseball games. I grew up thinking, "Man, she must really like baseball." When I was older I finally asked her if she liked going to the games. Her response? "No, I hate baseball." I just had to laugh. But it also made me realize the lengths she would take to support her grandchildren. I continue to be in awe of that great woman.
And now on to our update...
In May, Shane graduated from Dominican University with his Master's in Library and Information Science. His parents, my parents, and Jen were able to come to Chicago to celebrate. It was a great time and fell over Mother's Day, so we were able to celebrate that as well. Shane has been job hunting since March but hasn't had much luck. We continue to keep our fingers crossed that something will work out, but extra "good vibes" and prayers are always appreciated.
And now on to our update...
In May, Shane graduated from Dominican University with his Master's in Library and Information Science. His parents, my parents, and Jen were able to come to Chicago to celebrate. It was a great time and fell over Mother's Day, so we were able to celebrate that as well. Shane has been job hunting since March but hasn't had much luck. We continue to keep our fingers crossed that something will work out, but extra "good vibes" and prayers are always appreciated.
In June we had the pleasure of traveling to Port Gamble for Mike and Melissa's wedding. It was great to see the family that was able to attend and so wonderful to have the whole Buyske family together, even with Harrison being born just days before. It was a great celebration and I'm so excited to have another sister.
I spent a week in Pittsburgh in July. The association I work for hold's an annual convention every July and I help coordinate the event and the educational offerings. I always enjoy seeing the successful outcome. And I was pleasantly surprised by Pittsburgh! It's a cool little city. We were able to take in a Pirates game as well.
August brought a quick trip home to Montana for Harrison's baptism and to pick up our car. We flew into Great Falls, had lunch with Shane's parents and aunt and uncle, got the car and drove to Bozeman for the night where we stayed with his sister, and then hit the road to Billings the next morning. We spent the weekend with Joey, Erin, Henry, Harrison, Mom and Dad. We were even able to visit with Tom and Jeanine. It was a great weekend and Harrison was a champ with the baptism - didn't even flinch when he was dipped into the font or had the holy water poured over him. We then had the "pleasure" of taking yet another road trip across the great state of South Dakota as we drove back to Chicago.
September will bring more adventures. We're heading to St. Louis to visit Matt, Kelly, & Co. for Labor Day. We're very excited to have them so close (5 hour drive)! Mike and Melissa are coming to Chicago and we'll head to the Notre Dame v. Duke football game. We're really looking forward to that. I'm taking a few training classes for work and we'll continue to job hunt for Shane. He is still working part time for the same company as me, so it's nice seeing him every morning.
This summer also marked the beginning of our 5th year (!!) in Chicago, 5 years of Shane and I being together, and we will celebrate our second anniversary in a few days. Time sure does fly!
I hope the summer has treated you all well and good luck to those of you heading back to school, whether student, teacher, or administrator! I love you all and I hope we are able to see some of you during Christmas.
Molly (& Shane)
Monday, August 22, 2016
State Parks, continued
Yesterday, Ann and I set out on another adventurous jaunt. We managed to visit three state parks. First, Tower Rock at Hardy Creek, then First Peoples Buffalo Jump near Ulm. We took a time-out for lunch in Great Falls with Connie, Mary, Jim, and Maddie. We then drove east to Ackley Lake near Hobson. It was a grand day with great scenery. We took a few back roads that we'd never been on, then headed home over Kings Hill and through White Sulphur Springs. We've now visited 33 of the 55 state parks. Onward!

Sunday, August 21, 2016
Jake and Dee's wedding
It's been a week since we left Michigan and I finally have a few minutes to get a post on here about the wedding. Our journey began on Monday August 8 from Billings. We rented a 12 passenger van and loaded up Miranda, Ben, Sam, Maddie, Emma, Isaac, McKinley, Jim and I along with enough of our stuff for 10 days. Vans are great for the room they have but the cargo space isn't huge. Jim got pretty good at packing and unpacking since we had to do that every evening!
We attended a Twins game on Tuesday night. It was a great night and it's kind of fun to go to a game when you don't really care who wins! We met John and Jule Poirier for dinner at Notre Dame on Wednesday, toured the campus on Thursday and headed into Michigan and met up with Jake, Dee and Nick. Nate and Chris (Jake's best bud) were also there. We spent the night at Higgins Lake in Dee's family cottage then headed to the wedding venue on Friday. Connie, Jan and Marc, and John and Ann also were in attendance. The wedding Friday night was great, the wedding dinner perfect and the weather a bit rainy. Saturday we loaded up a party bus and went to Lake Michigan for some photos then to a winery. That was a fun adventure. Saturday's reception was also a good time with some fun folks and good food.
We began our journey back home on Sunday and drove to Chicago. We attended a Cubs-Cardinals game at Wrigley which was a great way for Isaac to spend his 7th birthday! And the Cardinals won which was a bonus. Monday we drove to Council Bluffs, Tuesday to Rapid City and the home on Wednesday. Coming from Great Falls we tallied over 4100 miles in 10 days, hitting 11 states. What a wonderful adventure for all of us. I think Jake and Nick missed out for sure.
Here are a few photos from the weekend.
Congratulations Jake and Dee we love you and loved your special weekend!!
We attended a Twins game on Tuesday night. It was a great night and it's kind of fun to go to a game when you don't really care who wins! We met John and Jule Poirier for dinner at Notre Dame on Wednesday, toured the campus on Thursday and headed into Michigan and met up with Jake, Dee and Nick. Nate and Chris (Jake's best bud) were also there. We spent the night at Higgins Lake in Dee's family cottage then headed to the wedding venue on Friday. Connie, Jan and Marc, and John and Ann also were in attendance. The wedding Friday night was great, the wedding dinner perfect and the weather a bit rainy. Saturday we loaded up a party bus and went to Lake Michigan for some photos then to a winery. That was a fun adventure. Saturday's reception was also a good time with some fun folks and good food.
We began our journey back home on Sunday and drove to Chicago. We attended a Cubs-Cardinals game at Wrigley which was a great way for Isaac to spend his 7th birthday! And the Cardinals won which was a bonus. Monday we drove to Council Bluffs, Tuesday to Rapid City and the home on Wednesday. Coming from Great Falls we tallied over 4100 miles in 10 days, hitting 11 states. What a wonderful adventure for all of us. I think Jake and Nick missed out for sure.
Here are a few photos from the weekend.
Congratulations Jake and Dee we love you and loved your special weekend!!
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