Happy birthday to one of the best daughter-in-law's in the world! Who else would go to Disneyworld with a three week old baby and dance in the streets with her oldest son? She is the most loving, most fun, most "smilingest" people that I know! Kelly, we wish you the happiest of birthdays and hope that you have a special day! You deserve it! Wish we were there so Marc could cook for you! Love you much!! Marc and Jan
Friday, December 30, 2011
Happy 32nd to Kelly!
Happy birthday to one of the best daughter-in-law's in the world! Who else would go to Disneyworld with a three week old baby and dance in the streets with her oldest son? She is the most loving, most fun, most "smilingest" people that I know! Kelly, we wish you the happiest of birthdays and hope that you have a special day! You deserve it! Wish we were there so Marc could cook for you! Love you much!! Marc and Jan
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Happy Birthday, Hannah!

Happy New Year to All!!
Christmas was rather quiet at this Buyske household. We were lucky to have Joey home for the weekend and to have the Schultes in town for Christmas Eve. We all went to Mass and then to Schultes for a great spaghetti dinner compliments of Meg and Ryan who cooked Gramma Mugs' sauce - all day! After pj's were on, the kids got to open gifts from Gramma and Grampa! There is nothing like a child's face when they open gifts! Grampa read The Night Before Christmas and off to bed they went. It was a wonderful evening and we thank you, Meg and Ryan, for sharing it with us. Christmas morning, Marc, Joey and I opened gifts and had breakfast. Later we headed to Great Falls for dinner with the Wingerters, Gramma Jeanne and Connie and Bill. It was a delicious dinner and lots of fun visiting and playing games. I ordered both of them for New Years Eve! Thank you for Mary and Jim for opening their home to us and inviting us to dinner! We wish the best of 2012 to all! We are so blest to have our families, our health, our upcoming trip to Ireland! :)
Monday, December 26, 2011
'Twas a happy holiday

Ann and I had a great time at Maurika's home in Missoula. Christmas morning with little children is indeed the epitome of excitement. And Maurika and Mark hosted wonderfully -- great breakfast, lots of fun. This photo shows a lull in the day, with interaction between Mo and Truman, Ann and Piper, Mark and his folks. Shortly after a this, we had a great holiday feast, once again courtesy of M&M. All in all, a wonderful Christmas -- a time when we were able (and obligated) to count the blessings in our stockings.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas
Hello, wonderful family. From Spearfish, SD, the Tom Moore family just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. It's been a very fun time, albeit a quite time compared to Christmases past, here in Spearfish. With all of us in the Moore family celebrating Christmas all across the West (and by West I mean far West, what's up Guam!?), I just wanted to say we wish we could all be together, but it's great that everyone is with family today. Here's to the Merriest of Christmases and a very Happy New Year. Love you all.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Mikayla as the Grinch
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Happy Anniversary to Maurika and Mark!
Today is anniversary number eight for the Missoula pair. I hope they're celebrating in fine fashion. Best wishes for good times!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Needed to repost this after this weekend's games. As cool as it would have been to have both MT teams in the semis, as the Highlander said, "There can be only one". At least the Cats have half of the Big Sky title to put in their trophy case. So they've got that going for them, which is nice.
Monday, December 05, 2011
Borten Family Christmas List
So I just received an email from my Papa reminding me to post our list. Ooops. Sorry.
ere they are:
Sabina (straight from her mouth):
- A working/real stethoscope
- A plain orange bracelet with out googly eyes
- A jewelry box with a turning thing inside
- A story about Rudolph
- A potters wheel
- A raccoon (stuffed animal)
(ideas for Sabina from Peter:
Indigo Children Stories:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0970863349/ref=ox_sc_act_title_6?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER )
- Something lucky. Something that you think is lucky and would like to share with me :)
- To move to Boulder (this is really the main thing that Peter and I want. So your meditations and prayer to help us on our way would be greatly appreciated. We could also use a bunch of money - so telling everyone you know about Imbue would also work ;) )
- A sweater like the one that Diz wore at Thanksgiving time - pullover, not cardigan. But kelley green or turquoise. Soft soft soft ;)
- A visit from you. I love family visits oh so much
- Pretty much anything from Anthropologie
- A kiln
- Donation to Oxfam
Here are a handful of things that have been hanging out in my Amazon cart. any of them would be a wonderful present.
Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier - Mike Dooley - as Audiobook
Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom - Rick Hanson Ph.D.; Audio CD
Mountains Beyond Mountains - Tracy Kidder - As Audiobook
Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists [Paperback] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/044310283X/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER
Innotek Anti-Bark Spray Collar, Citronella
I hope everyone has a wonderful wonderful Christmas. Love you!

Sabina (straight from her mouth):
- A working/real stethoscope
- A plain orange bracelet with out googly eyes
- A jewelry box with a turning thing inside
- A story about Rudolph
- A potters wheel
- A raccoon (stuffed animal)
(ideas for Sabina from Peter:
Indigo Children Stories:
- Something lucky. Something that you think is lucky and would like to share with me :)
- To move to Boulder (this is really the main thing that Peter and I want. So your meditations and prayer to help us on our way would be greatly appreciated. We could also use a bunch of money - so telling everyone you know about Imbue would also work ;) )
- A sweater like the one that Diz wore at Thanksgiving time - pullover, not cardigan. But kelley green or turquoise. Soft soft soft ;)
- A visit from you. I love family visits oh so much
- Pretty much anything from Anthropologie
- A kiln
- Donation to Oxfam
Here are a handful of things that have been hanging out in my Amazon cart. any of them would be a wonderful present.
Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier - Mike Dooley - as Audiobook
Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom - Rick Hanson Ph.D.; Audio CD
Mountains Beyond Mountains - Tracy Kidder - As Audiobook
Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists [Paperback] http://www.amazon.com/gp/
Innotek Anti-Bark Spray Collar, Citronella
I hope everyone has a wonderful wonderful Christmas. Love you!
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