Happy birthday to one of the best daughter-in-law's in the world! Who else would go to Disneyworld with a three week old baby and dance in the streets with her oldest son? She is the most loving, most fun, most "smilingest" people that I know! Kelly, we wish you the happiest of birthdays and hope that you have a special day! You deserve it! Wish we were there so Marc could cook for you! Love you much!! Marc and Jan
Friday, December 30, 2011
Happy 32nd to Kelly!
Happy birthday to one of the best daughter-in-law's in the world! Who else would go to Disneyworld with a three week old baby and dance in the streets with her oldest son? She is the most loving, most fun, most "smilingest" people that I know! Kelly, we wish you the happiest of birthdays and hope that you have a special day! You deserve it! Wish we were there so Marc could cook for you! Love you much!! Marc and Jan
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Happy Birthday, Hannah!

Happy New Year to All!!
Christmas was rather quiet at this Buyske household. We were lucky to have Joey home for the weekend and to have the Schultes in town for Christmas Eve. We all went to Mass and then to Schultes for a great spaghetti dinner compliments of Meg and Ryan who cooked Gramma Mugs' sauce - all day! After pj's were on, the kids got to open gifts from Gramma and Grampa! There is nothing like a child's face when they open gifts! Grampa read The Night Before Christmas and off to bed they went. It was a wonderful evening and we thank you, Meg and Ryan, for sharing it with us. Christmas morning, Marc, Joey and I opened gifts and had breakfast. Later we headed to Great Falls for dinner with the Wingerters, Gramma Jeanne and Connie and Bill. It was a delicious dinner and lots of fun visiting and playing games. I ordered both of them for New Years Eve! Thank you for Mary and Jim for opening their home to us and inviting us to dinner! We wish the best of 2012 to all! We are so blest to have our families, our health, our upcoming trip to Ireland! :)
Monday, December 26, 2011
'Twas a happy holiday

Ann and I had a great time at Maurika's home in Missoula. Christmas morning with little children is indeed the epitome of excitement. And Maurika and Mark hosted wonderfully -- great breakfast, lots of fun. This photo shows a lull in the day, with interaction between Mo and Truman, Ann and Piper, Mark and his folks. Shortly after a this, we had a great holiday feast, once again courtesy of M&M. All in all, a wonderful Christmas -- a time when we were able (and obligated) to count the blessings in our stockings.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas
Hello, wonderful family. From Spearfish, SD, the Tom Moore family just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. It's been a very fun time, albeit a quite time compared to Christmases past, here in Spearfish. With all of us in the Moore family celebrating Christmas all across the West (and by West I mean far West, what's up Guam!?), I just wanted to say we wish we could all be together, but it's great that everyone is with family today. Here's to the Merriest of Christmases and a very Happy New Year. Love you all.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Mikayla as the Grinch
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Happy Anniversary to Maurika and Mark!
Today is anniversary number eight for the Missoula pair. I hope they're celebrating in fine fashion. Best wishes for good times!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Needed to repost this after this weekend's games. As cool as it would have been to have both MT teams in the semis, as the Highlander said, "There can be only one". At least the Cats have half of the Big Sky title to put in their trophy case. So they've got that going for them, which is nice.
Monday, December 05, 2011
Borten Family Christmas List
So I just received an email from my Papa reminding me to post our list. Ooops. Sorry.
ere they are:
Sabina (straight from her mouth):
- A working/real stethoscope
- A plain orange bracelet with out googly eyes
- A jewelry box with a turning thing inside
- A story about Rudolph
- A potters wheel
- A raccoon (stuffed animal)
(ideas for Sabina from Peter:
Indigo Children Stories:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0970863349/ref=ox_sc_act_title_6?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER )
- Something lucky. Something that you think is lucky and would like to share with me :)
- To move to Boulder (this is really the main thing that Peter and I want. So your meditations and prayer to help us on our way would be greatly appreciated. We could also use a bunch of money - so telling everyone you know about Imbue would also work ;) )
- A sweater like the one that Diz wore at Thanksgiving time - pullover, not cardigan. But kelley green or turquoise. Soft soft soft ;)
- A visit from you. I love family visits oh so much
- Pretty much anything from Anthropologie
- A kiln
- Donation to Oxfam
Here are a handful of things that have been hanging out in my Amazon cart. any of them would be a wonderful present.
Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier - Mike Dooley - as Audiobook
Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom - Rick Hanson Ph.D.; Audio CD
Mountains Beyond Mountains - Tracy Kidder - As Audiobook
Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists [Paperback] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/044310283X/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER
Innotek Anti-Bark Spray Collar, Citronella
I hope everyone has a wonderful wonderful Christmas. Love you!

Sabina (straight from her mouth):
- A working/real stethoscope
- A plain orange bracelet with out googly eyes
- A jewelry box with a turning thing inside
- A story about Rudolph
- A potters wheel
- A raccoon (stuffed animal)
(ideas for Sabina from Peter:
Indigo Children Stories:
- Something lucky. Something that you think is lucky and would like to share with me :)
- To move to Boulder (this is really the main thing that Peter and I want. So your meditations and prayer to help us on our way would be greatly appreciated. We could also use a bunch of money - so telling everyone you know about Imbue would also work ;) )
- A sweater like the one that Diz wore at Thanksgiving time - pullover, not cardigan. But kelley green or turquoise. Soft soft soft ;)
- A visit from you. I love family visits oh so much
- Pretty much anything from Anthropologie
- A kiln
- Donation to Oxfam
Here are a handful of things that have been hanging out in my Amazon cart. any of them would be a wonderful present.
Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier - Mike Dooley - as Audiobook
Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom - Rick Hanson Ph.D.; Audio CD
Mountains Beyond Mountains - Tracy Kidder - As Audiobook
Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists [Paperback] http://www.amazon.com/gp/
Innotek Anti-Bark Spray Collar, Citronella
I hope everyone has a wonderful wonderful Christmas. Love you!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
Well we had a great family get-together once again in Great Falls, and all those who couldn't make it were missed. A great spread of food and family on Turkey day, as well as a cribbage tournament, were the highlights of Thursday. Grandma and Nate fought hard but couldn't overcome Jimmy and Nick's friend Nick F. for the title. (Suspect, I know, but he was a nice guy)

Friday brought forth the competitive nature of everyone as the 2nd Bi-Annual Grilled Cheese Throwdown got underway. JimW., John, Rika, Bert Geiger, and Joey had some tough judging to do as there were plenty of tasty sandwiches, but ultimately Shannon's emerged victorious.

Finally, on Saturday evening, the family came together once again to support Some Moores (and Jimmy) at Bert & Ernie's. They played plenty of great music and got everyone dancing and singing along.

Overall it was a great weekend full of family, food, and fun. To all those who couldn't be there this year, this is definitely an event you should try to attend. So put it in your plans for 2013!

Friday brought forth the competitive nature of everyone as the 2nd Bi-Annual Grilled Cheese Throwdown got underway. JimW., John, Rika, Bert Geiger, and Joey had some tough judging to do as there were plenty of tasty sandwiches, but ultimately Shannon's emerged victorious.

Overall it was a great weekend full of family, food, and fun. To all those who couldn't be there this year, this is definitely an event you should try to attend. So put it in your plans for 2013!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Christmas list
Finally getting around to posting my list.
- DVDs: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Rudy, Crimson Tide
- ND Football calendar
- ITunes card
- Coffee for my sweet new Kuerig
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and to see everyone at the big wedding next summer.
- Mike
- DVDs: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Rudy, Crimson Tide
- ND Football calendar
- ITunes card
- Coffee for my sweet new Kuerig
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and to see everyone at the big wedding next summer.
- Mike
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Philpot Christmas list (and Digital Christmas card)
I loved last year when people posted Christmas Card pictures on the blog. So along with our Christmas list, I am posting our "Card". Just pictures really being that our updates are fairly regular. I do wish all of you a wonderful holiday season filled with joy and love.
Our list:
We have a whole closet of games but new ones are nice. We don't have any of the following games;
Wits and wagers family
Table topics family
Farkel Game
With the arrival of snow in Utah, we have already gone through a fair quantity of my nicely paired and organized snow gloves. So if you come across a bunch of gloves for ages 4, 7, 9, and 12 - that would be great! I am finding you can just never have too many.
Donation to LDS Philanthropic Services.
Time....I could really use more time. Anyone?

Our list:
We have a whole closet of games but new ones are nice. We don't have any of the following games;
Wits and wagers family
Table topics family
Farkel Game
With the arrival of snow in Utah, we have already gone through a fair quantity of my nicely paired and organized snow gloves. So if you come across a bunch of gloves for ages 4, 7, 9, and 12 - that would be great! I am finding you can just never have too many.
Donation to LDS Philanthropic Services.
Time....I could really use more time. Anyone?

Monday, November 21, 2011
For anyone that is interested, there is a Burn the bird walk/run (5K and 10K) on Thanksgiving at 8:00 AM. Visit www.racemt.com for information and to register.Let me know if you are planning on doing this and I will stop by on Wednesday and pick up your registration packet.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Grill The Cheese

Well, there it is, folks. The trophy. A proud and victorious grilled cheese chef standing over his vanquished foes with spatula and kitchen knife in hand. He gazes with determination into the horizon from which comes the steady march of challengers, all armed with bread, cheese, butter and grit. The struggle to create a more perfect sandwich is never over, but for this year, he is the master. This trophy has occupied your dreams since Maurika seized the crown with her manicured crustless wonders. Now . . . will it occupy your mantle?
The Second Annual (Unless We Miss A Year, Then Biennial) Moore Family Grilled Cheese Throwdown will take place the day after Thanksgiving. The Wingerters, having just cleared the smoke from the last tournament, have graciously agreed to host the event once again. We need judges and we need contenders.
JUDGES: As always, Grandma will be the head judge. Maurika, the reigning champion, is hanging up her gloves at the peak of her career and will be the executive judge this year. All other competitors from the last event who are electing not to compete this time are entitled to a seat at the judge's table, should they choose not to throw their hat in the ring once again. If we do not have 5 former competitors who want to judge, other judges will be drawn at random. In the comments below, please let us know if you would like to judge this year.
COMPETITORS: If you are more interested in tasting victory than tasting grilled cheese, declare your intentions to compete in the comments section below. Just know this - I will be at the spatula this year as well and after two years of experimenting in the kitchen, I've come up with a doozy.
RULES: This is a grilled cheese competition, not a "whatever you want to put in a sandwich" competition. You are free to add various elements of wonder and surprise to your sandwich, but the ingredients must be mostly cheese. You must prepare enough sandwiches to allow five judges to taste your creation. You must prepare the sandwich onsite. No rabbit punches. No MSG.
Most importantly, let's all have a great day. Looking forward to seeing you all later this week!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Meunier list
Happy holiday season! Just wanted to share a picture of the kids all Halloweened up. Emma was Ariel (of course) and Isaac was a cowboy. Trick or treating went fairly well expect for the few times that people admired the cutest trick-or-treaters ever before opening the door. In each instance this occurred, Isaac would not-so-kindly remind the resident to "OPEN THE DOOR!!!" He takes after his uncles. But I digress.
Our Christmas list is short. We'd love a visit, a family board game like checkers or sorry, any good family movies, puzzles (over 100 pieces) with some kind of big but fairly portable puzzle board.
So excited for Thanksgiving! I am entering the competition this year so y'all better watch out!!!!
Monday, November 14, 2011
TX Buyske's Christmas List
The FL Buyskes are officially the TX Buyskes on November 20th when our new address will be 1217 Serenade Circle, Plano, TX 75075. Our wishlist for Christmas is simply a fun family game. Some ideas we came up with were Twister, Clue, Sorry or Life.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Happy Anniversary, Hannah & Jerry!
Today is the 12th anniversary for the Philpots! I hope they have a great celebration. They have such a great family, which can only come from having a great marriage. Congratulations!
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Happy Birthday, Will!
Sunday, November 06, 2011
4100 13th Ave. S. Wingys Lists
We are truly blessed and don't need anything else, but here are some ideas~
A donation to the Holy Spirit Catholic School Endowment, smart wool socks, some nice white or off white cloth napkins (12), any neat cardigan sweaters L or XL, a set of different sized wire whisks, gift certificates to get bedding plants in the spring (I actually sell these to flower farm!), new dark brown towel set for my bathroom.
Sam: DVDs...Saving Private Ryan, Harry Potter 6 & 7, Pirates of caribbean all of them; CDs Metallica: ride the lightening, st. anger, Kill 'em all, death magnetic, ; Motley crue: Greatest. I Tunes cards; Games: Gears of War 3 (xbox 360); The Inferno by Dante in english.
Madison: I tunes gift cards, Skin it card, Notre Dame or bobcat gear of any kind (M shirts or shorts, L sweatshirts or sweatpants), Michael Jackson Experience game for Kinect, any other Kinect games, Nook and barnes and noble gift cards, Ipad.
Jim: Mock neck shirts (navy blue, white, gray, black XL), Gun case for a single rifle, Bobcat or notre dame polo shirts XL, Bobcat sweatshirts XL, Bobcat or ND headband, brown leather gloves, anything else you think JIm would like!!
A donation to the Holy Spirit Catholic School Endowment, smart wool socks, some nice white or off white cloth napkins (12), any neat cardigan sweaters L or XL, a set of different sized wire whisks, gift certificates to get bedding plants in the spring (I actually sell these to flower farm!), new dark brown towel set for my bathroom.
Sam: DVDs...Saving Private Ryan, Harry Potter 6 & 7, Pirates of caribbean all of them; CDs Metallica: ride the lightening, st. anger, Kill 'em all, death magnetic, ; Motley crue: Greatest. I Tunes cards; Games: Gears of War 3 (xbox 360); The Inferno by Dante in english.
Madison: I tunes gift cards, Skin it card, Notre Dame or bobcat gear of any kind (M shirts or shorts, L sweatshirts or sweatpants), Michael Jackson Experience game for Kinect, any other Kinect games, Nook and barnes and noble gift cards, Ipad.
Jim: Mock neck shirts (navy blue, white, gray, black XL), Gun case for a single rifle, Bobcat or notre dame polo shirts XL, Bobcat sweatshirts XL, Bobcat or ND headband, brown leather gloves, anything else you think JIm would like!!
Bill's list
donations to the Great Falls food bank
mockneck shirts, size L white, black, blue
Itunes or Amazon gift cards
Connie's list
donations to Benefis foundation Angel fund
gift cards to Penney's or Christopher banks
donations to the Great Falls food bank
mockneck shirts, size L white, black, blue
Itunes or Amazon gift cards
Connie's list
donations to Benefis foundation Angel fund
gift cards to Penney's or Christopher banks
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Laundry never ends
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Happy 34th Bday, Dr. Mike!
Wow! It is hard to believe that it was 34 years ago that you appeared on the scene, Mikey! He and Joey love to cook together as shown in one of the pictures. The other show Mike taking a dare from Joey as to how many of the "steroid" marshmallows Mike could get in his mouth. You are constantly amazing us as to the things that you do and accomplish! Hope you enjoy your special day so many miles away! We love you! We miss you! Happy bday, kiddo! Love you much and much! Dad and Mom
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The End of an Era~kinda...

Good job during a tough season Sam. You have handled this season with style and grace...probably a lot better than I would! You make us proud every day and we are so glad we are your parents!
Love ya~ M & D
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Jen's Christmas List
Here is Jen's list for cousins/siblings:
Gift Cards (ITunes, Target, Kmart, Old Navy)
Movies/TV shows (Harry Potter 6,7 (parts 1 & 2), Horrible Bosses, Hangover (1,2), Will and Grace Season 6-8
Cute shirts (M) - Molly can pick those
Size 5/6 shorts
Knife sharpener (kitchen knives)
Books (2nd & 3rd book for) Hunger Games series, "C" is for etc, new John Grisham book, new American Bible - revised ed
Ipod - nothing new or fancy, just one that is bigger than 3GB
Cute jewelry
Soccer cleats size 10.5
Gift Cards (ITunes, Target, Kmart, Old Navy)
Movies/TV shows (Harry Potter 6,7 (parts 1 & 2), Horrible Bosses, Hangover (1,2), Will and Grace Season 6-8
Cute shirts (M) - Molly can pick those
Size 5/6 shorts
Knife sharpener (kitchen knives)
Books (2nd & 3rd book for) Hunger Games series, "C" is for etc, new John Grisham book, new American Bible - revised ed
Ipod - nothing new or fancy, just one that is bigger than 3GB
Cute jewelry
Soccer cleats size 10.5
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Happy 30th Ben!!
We actually celebrated Ben's big day in Great Falls on Saturday with lasagna and chocolate cake. Nick came home from training, Miranda and the kids were here, Grandma joined us for dinner...It doesn't get much better than that!
Hope your day was great! Love you tons~MOM
Happy Anniversary, Abe & Diz
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Chicago Moores Christmas List
Well, our list this year is pretty much the same as our list last year. And every year. We like herbal tea and dark chocolate and wine and homemade baked goods. Abe likes U of M stuff and Diz likes extra large ND tshirts to make dresses out of. We both like stuff that you made. If you insist on a donation instead of giving us riches and presents, we like food share. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Christmas list update
Hello family!!! This post serves two purposes: to provide a Christmas list so that I will not be harassed by the individuals who have me, and also to give you all an update on life in Guam. First the update. Things have been going really well here. It is hard to believe that it has almost been a year since I stepped foot on this tropical island. I must say, when I first came here, I was not sure that I made the right decision, but looking back, I am so glad Molly was sitting right next to me when the detailer called---I don't think I would have ended up here otherwise.
Work is going well. I do a wide range of legal work and I never know what is going to walk through my door. I have actually been out on 2 different ships since I have been here on the island. The first was two weeks after I arrived. I went on the USS FRANK CABLE (AS-40) for about a month and was the defense attorney onboard for all of the sailors (all 2,000 of them). Then, during the summer months (June-August), I was onboard the USS ESSEX (LHD-2). It is piered in Sasebo, Japan. I was the staff Judge Advocate for the Commodore and the Deputy. Basically my role was to create liberty policies for when the ship pulled into port, and also provide advice on Rules of Engagement and Environmental law issues relating to the Great Barrier Reef and other areas around Australia. Unfortunately, our ship never made it to the Land Down Under, but it was an amazing experience that I feel lucky to have been a part of.
So the command definitely makes sure that I stay busy. I am putting on LT next month (Mike will be here for a few weeks and is going to pin the bars on me). I was going to have my name put in for a deployment, but that has been temporarily put on hold as one of the other attorneys in our office (we have 3 total) is heading out to Afghanistan in January. That doesn't mean I am out of the clear, but that does mean there is a better chance I will be back in MT for Shannon's wedding.
So social life---since I know that is what you all care about. I do anything that will take me outdoors. I love the hikes around here (I have been to countless waterfalls, explored caves, and to the tops of "mountains"), I bike when I can, I have run a half marathon, a triathlon, and have done a couple of open water swims in the ocean. I also LOVE diving. I have really gotten into it. I am currently working on my dive master, which is basically one step down from an instructor. I don't think I will become an instructor, because then I have to do paperwork :) As a dive master I get to teach the class without the hassle, so why would I create more work for myself? Anyway, the diving out here is absolutely amazing and I have seen some pretty cool stuff. I have a couple of videos on facebook, and when I tried to post them on here, I couldn't. Hopefully someone who has facebook and is technologically savvy can figure out how to get them on here. They are a video of an eel swimming around and then a short clip of a nurse shark I saw last weekend. Pretty sweet.
I have included a couple of pictures. One is of me diving, the other is of me at the Navy Ball. Basically it is an event to celebrate the Navy's Birthday. Everyone gets dressed up in their whites....eats dinner, and then you get to watch as slowly officer and enlisted alike get tipsy and try to keep their whites clean---it is quite entertaining.
Anyway...that is about all I have from here. People are more than welcome to come visit :) Molls will be here over Christmas, and I cannot wait! I will hopefully see most of you next summer.
So now on to the list (don't worry mom, I will make a different one for you). Pretty simple: donation to Wounded Warrior Project, ITunes gift card, Target gift card, pictures of family, something cool to hang on my office wall.
That is it. Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. Love you all.
Love always,
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Chi Town
Last week I spent 4 magnificent days in the Windy City! It was more than I had hoped for and I completely fell in love with Chicago. The weekend was packed with the ND game, marathon viewing, walking around the city, taking an improv class at Second City, and catching up with Abe and Des. They were, of course, AMAZING hosts and made my visit so memorable. I am heading back out in April for about a week to check out more of the city and take a 3-day improv intensive at Second City. I am really excited. And then...THE BIG MOVE!! I plan on moving to Chicago June 1st! I really can't wait for this next step in life. When I was out there, I just KNEW that Chicago was my city, no doubts about it. I really appreciate all the support I have been given over the years with my dreams and goals. Wanting to go into such a competitive and unstable industry is completely daunting, but it's been a lot easier with all the positive reinforcement I've been given. So now I just have to wait...COME ON SUMMER!!
Below are some pictures from my weekend. I think one of the best things about it was the XL ND shirt Des was able to wear as a dress. Yes, a dress. Oh, and Abe and D, I don't want a thing for Christmas. You're help out in the city is enough for me. Love you all!

Below are some pictures from my weekend. I think one of the best things about it was the XL ND shirt Des was able to wear as a dress. Yes, a dress. Oh, and Abe and D, I don't want a thing for Christmas. You're help out in the city is enough for me. Love you all!

Friday, October 14, 2011
Schulte Family Post
Family Movie - (We have Cars, Pinnochio, Over the Hedge, Beauty and the Beast) - G rated please :)
Book of activities to do as a family - or a cookbook (we have the Sesame Street one)
Donation to:
Florence-Crittenton Home: www.florencecrittenton.org
Montana Military Family Relief Fund: http://dma.mt.gov/familyrelieffund.asp
Helena Food Share: http://www.helenafoodshare.org/janda/index.php
Something homemade :)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The first wish list
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Okay ... So
This is the plea for everyone to post their Christmas lists. I think in order for the person who needs to purchase said gift to know what you want each family needs to post individually. So like Wingerters should post for those in the house and then individuals should post. Do you know what I am sayIng? I am afraid if we post under comments people won't get them.
This is my Christmas post! I would like a donation to Angel Fund in Helena. This is my baby and I support it totally! Thank you!
This is my Christmas post! I would like a donation to Angel Fund in Helena. This is my baby and I support it totally! Thank you!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Christmas Drawing
I apologize to Nate for posting over his post but I am getting grief for not getting this up. Meghan was chomping at the bit to get names drawn so she could get her lists going. She, Molly and I drew one afternoon with Tyson's help. Below are the Givers and the Receivers. The first name is the Giver and after the slash the Receiver. I did have last year's list and we made sure no one had the same person that they did last year so I don't want to hear that "I had that person last year". No whining allowed in Christmas drawings!! :)
First I will do the cousins:
Rika & family/Nate Moore
Abe & Des/Molly (I think a month of living with you suffices for a gift!!)
Hannah & family/Mike
Bri & family/Sam
Matt & family/Randa & family
Meg & family/Jake
Jen/Bri & family
Nate/Hannah & family
Shannon & Birch/Joey
Randa & family/Abe & Des
Ben/Matt & family
Jake/Shannon & Birch
Sam/Rika & family
Madison/Meg & family
Now for siblings/spouses:
Bill/Jan (you lucky devil)
Tom/Jim W.
Jim W. /Ann
Now it is up to everyone to get wish lists posted and help everyone out! This can only work if you help the process!
First I will do the cousins:
Rika & family/Nate Moore
Abe & Des/Molly (I think a month of living with you suffices for a gift!!)
Hannah & family/Mike
Bri & family/Sam
Matt & family/Randa & family
Meg & family/Jake
Jen/Bri & family
Nate/Hannah & family
Shannon & Birch/Joey
Randa & family/Abe & Des
Ben/Matt & family
Jake/Shannon & Birch
Sam/Rika & family
Madison/Meg & family
Now for siblings/spouses:
Bill/Jan (you lucky devil)
Tom/Jim W.
Jim W. /Ann
Now it is up to everyone to get wish lists posted and help everyone out! This can only work if you help the process!
Sunday Night Dinner
Thought I'd share a couple of pictures I took last night. As most know, Joey is my roomie at my new house and last night we cooked a gourmet Italian dinner (homemade pizza) for my mom and dad, Miranda, Emma, and Isaac. It was a good time. It was Miranda's first time at the new digs, as well. This also is an open invite for anyone to come crash with us and we'll even make you dinner.
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