I just wanted to share with those of you who may not get to see Gramma's house again the paint job that was done on it. It turned out beautifully! The picture of the door and wall is where the mail slot used to be with the insulation stuffed in it. He did a great job of patching it. If you look closely you may see the white light plates that Tommy went around and put up. I did not get out to the garage to take pictures, but he also put up sheet rock to cover the holes and the spray paint. It looks pretty cool! Now hopefully someone will want to buy it. Gramma said the rugs turned out great. We hope to do an open house this weekend! Keep your fingers crossed that it sells quickly!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Paint Job at Gramma's Old House!
I just wanted to share with those of you who may not get to see Gramma's house again the paint job that was done on it. It turned out beautifully! The picture of the door and wall is where the mail slot used to be with the insulation stuffed in it. He did a great job of patching it. If you look closely you may see the white light plates that Tommy went around and put up. I did not get out to the garage to take pictures, but he also put up sheet rock to cover the holes and the spray paint. It looks pretty cool! Now hopefully someone will want to buy it. Gramma said the rugs turned out great. We hope to do an open house this weekend! Keep your fingers crossed that it sells quickly!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Schulte Update
Well, since Uncle John was so adamant with his "ad" to get us posting on the blog, I figured I'd give a little update of what us Schultes have been up to while Ty was busy reading his "Cars" books in his "Cars" tent (can you say obsession?).
Anyway - the baby is due in about 2 weeks and the midwife says he/she will probably be on time or a little late. We are definitely ready for him/her to come although I don't think Tyson is quite prepared for how his world will be disrupted! He doesn't quite like all the baby things that are appearing.
Our puppy will probably adjust a little better. She is growing like a tumbleweed and her and Ty are getting along great. Both are devious little devils, though!
We are really quite the homebodies - no big trips, no big plans, no big anything except this baby! Guess we'll have to post again when he/she decides to introduce themselves to us all! Meanwhile - enjoy the couple pics of the shenanigans at the Schulte household!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
So Tell Me ...

... what's it going to take to get you behind the wheel of this blog? It's the ultramodern way to keep in touch with your friends and family. Be now! Be hip! Put some Hi-Test in it and take 'er on up to 80 ... 90 ... even 100 words. Your neighbors will be envious when they see you cruisin' all shiny and new along the internets. Go ahead -- take it for a test post today!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Visit To Stumptown
Hey everyone. Desiree and I just returned from a long weekend in Portland where we got to hang out with Bri, Peter and Sabina for a few days! We also got to see the new airport spa (as seen in the picture here), ski on Mount Hood (Sabina even took a lesson and is quite talented) and got to prepare and enjoy a delicious taco dinner with cousin Mike! Here are a few pictures of our lovely time. When we left, Diz and I got a foot bath and massage at the airport and it was awesome. I don't know what I enjoyed more, getting a nice foot massage or watching the customers wander into the new spa one by one. It makes a brother darn proud, I'll tell you.
I also had a chance to talk to John in Great Falls about the big move weekend (see post below). We can't wait to see Gramma's new place and we're very very happy for her!
Sunday, February 07, 2010
The Big Move
It has taken a while to get some photos up. I put an album called "Mom's Moving Day" on Snapfish (use the "Moore Family Photos" link). Thanks to Jimmy for grabbing the camera and taking some of the pix. Of the previews here, the first two photos involve packing and moving stuff, the latter two show parts of the new condo. It was great to have everyone pitch in and help.
There's a lot more to do to close out the old house and get it ready for market -- the big sale is next weekend. And, of course, there are some details to wrap up in settling into the new place. Just think, now we have a whole new focus for Mother's Day, birthday, and Christmas!

There's a lot more to do to close out the old house and get it ready for market -- the big sale is next weekend. And, of course, there are some details to wrap up in settling into the new place. Just think, now we have a whole new focus for Mother's Day, birthday, and Christmas!

Happy Birthday, Marc!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Happy Birthday, Dad

Happy Birthday, Dad! It's been a busy couple of weeks for ya traveling to South Dakota and around Montana, but glad you're home to celebrate with Mom and Shannon (and Joey). I hope you have a great day and thank you for everything that you do. We love you. For your present, I'll let you win a game of cribbage the next time we play.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Two Big Occasions!
Well with the big move this past weekend, we were all tied up and didn't get a Happy Birthday out there to Mary! So, Mary on this your last year in your 40's, enjoy, celebrate, have fun!! I am so glad that we were all there to celebrate with you! Our prayers are with you!
Connie and Bill, a big shout out to you on this your 35th anniversary! What a ride! Can't believe that it was that long ago that we were freezing our patooties off in those dresses. What a time. Our best to you both and our prayers are always with you!
Love you all!!
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