Well, it is a little early in the season, but never too early to plan for the big holiday!! Meghan and I did THE drawing last night and we have the names for everyone. I had emailed all of my siblings and asked if they minded if Meg and I did the drawing and they did not so all of you nieces and nephews are stuck with it!! So the list is as follows (oh and by the way, we had last year's least so you did not get the same person that you had last year, so no complaining!!):
Nieces and Nephews
Giver Receivee
Mike Jake
Matt Buyske family Madison
Joey Sam
Schultes Abe Moore family (doesn't that have a nice ring to it!!)
Jen Philpot family
Molly Nate
Wells family Ben
Abe Moore family Schulte family
Philpot family Jen
Borton family Nick
Nate Borton family
Shannon Meunier family
Meunier family Wells family
Ben Matt Buyske family
Jake Molly
Nick Shannon
Sam Michael
Madison Joey
Connie Ann
Bill Mary
Jan Beryl
Marc Tommy
Johnny Jeanine
Ann Marc
Tommy Connie
Jeanine Jimmy M.
Jim W. Bill
Mary Jan
Jimmy M. Jim W.
Beryl Johnny
Okay, so as lame as it may seem, be thinking of those Christmas lists and getting them on the blog or to your person! Let us all get in the spirit!!
Love you all!!