Sunday, May 25, 2008

In honor of Memorial Day and dad I thought I would share a little bit of his military history and post this pretty cool video of the last flying P-38's.
For those of you that might not know, 1st Lieutenant John Moore was in the Army Air Corp during WWII for 3 1/2 years spending most of his time stationed on the Aleutian Islands flying patrol in the Lockheed P-38 Lightning.
Of the over 10,000 P-38's built, these three are the only ones left flying.
Dad flew one heck of airplane.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Happy Birthday, Jake!
Happy Birthday, Peter!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Kaitlyn's Movie
My new favorite pasttime is throwing these lil' videos together. My favorite part of this one is Kaitlyn's cool busta' move as she dances on the bed. :)
Welcome Spring!

Well, it's been a long time coming here in Utah but our yard is in bloom and warm weather is finally upon us. Two more weeks of school and then we get to launch into a hopefully more lackadaisical summer. And yes, I just had to dig out the dictionary John and Ann gave me to look up how to spell "lackadaisical". And yes, I had it wrong. Anyway, a quick update: Carter is nearing the end of his soccer and baseball season. It has been a lot of running around to different games and practices but he would do nothing but sports 24/7 if he had the chance. Mikayla and Kesiah are rounding out their dance class with a recital in June. Kaitlyn is just cruising around, constantly the source of smiles in our house. Jerry is busy with the golf course that is again open and taking the kids on weekly fishing expeditions. I recently got to read a great book, which caused me to neglect everything else in life for a good 48 hours and Carter to say, "It's like you love that book more than your own children!" He vowed to never buy me a book for Mother's Day again. Ah, but a couple times a year, a good book is one of my favorite indulgences. ("Twilight" series, ladies, you'll love it!) Other than that, I hope everyone is well in their neck of the woods, love reading updates and am dying to see everybody at Abe's wedding. Love, Hannah
Monday, May 12, 2008
jen's update
hello family of mine.
well i guess since i officially have my first year of law school under my belt, i better provide an update for everyone. i apologize for my lack of communication with anyone in the family, but i was basically a nerd for the past 9 months and had my face buried in law books, and unless someone wanted to discuss legal issues with me, my conversations were very limited. needless to say, i did officially finish my last class on friday, and i am now in anacortes visiting matt and kelly and the boys (with mike) for a few days, before i begin my trek back to MT, where i will be for about 2 days, before heading out to wonderful sioux falls, sd to pick up the youngest sibling from college. after making my way back to MT, i will settle into great falls for the summer as i will be interning for the US Attorney's Office in Great Falls. It is an unpaid, full-time internship, but i am very excited about the experience i will be able to gain and the exposure i will have to various issues of law. it will be nice to actually see what i "learned" put into application! it will also be an interesting summer as i am living with grandma and pregger meggers and ryan!!! it will be a full house....but hey, the more the merrier!! i hope this little update finds everyone doing well and happy and healthy. cannot wait for the family picnic where i will get to catch up with everyone (i promise i will spare people from legal talk unles they specifically ask). love to all and hope to see you soon!!
P.S. At the beginning of May I ran the Bloomsday. My first time ever running a road race and i choose a 7.5 mile run with 50,000, smooth move on my part! But i did finish and I did it in a faster time than I had initially set for myself, so that was pretty sweet!
well i guess since i officially have my first year of law school under my belt, i better provide an update for everyone. i apologize for my lack of communication with anyone in the family, but i was basically a nerd for the past 9 months and had my face buried in law books, and unless someone wanted to discuss legal issues with me, my conversations were very limited. needless to say, i did officially finish my last class on friday, and i am now in anacortes visiting matt and kelly and the boys (with mike) for a few days, before i begin my trek back to MT, where i will be for about 2 days, before heading out to wonderful sioux falls, sd to pick up the youngest sibling from college. after making my way back to MT, i will settle into great falls for the summer as i will be interning for the US Attorney's Office in Great Falls. It is an unpaid, full-time internship, but i am very excited about the experience i will be able to gain and the exposure i will have to various issues of law. it will be nice to actually see what i "learned" put into application! it will also be an interesting summer as i am living with grandma and pregger meggers and ryan!!! it will be a full house....but hey, the more the merrier!! i hope this little update finds everyone doing well and happy and healthy. cannot wait for the family picnic where i will get to catch up with everyone (i promise i will spare people from legal talk unles they specifically ask). love to all and hope to see you soon!!
P.S. At the beginning of May I ran the Bloomsday. My first time ever running a road race and i choose a 7.5 mile run with 50,000, smooth move on my part! But i did finish and I did it in a faster time than I had initially set for myself, so that was pretty sweet!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mothers Day
Friday, May 09, 2008
Abe and Desiree
We received a notice of the wedding of Abe and Desiree. My goodness, what a handsome couple! We appreciate the fact that you let us about the doings of John Moore family. Great family!
Jim (the elder)
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Another day another blog
Hey lovely fam.
Well, after being introduced to this new blogging culture we have decided to make a blog of Sabina so that we don't jam up our families blogs with pictures of our sweet girl. Because, though we think she's the best thing since sliced bread, we know that not all of you want to spend all of your time looking at pictures of her. Anyhow, her blog of photos is here
if you are interested. We'll be adding photos - and maybe some commentary eventually.
Love you all and can't wait to see you in July,
Well, after being introduced to this new blogging culture we have decided to make a blog of Sabina so that we don't jam up our families blogs with pictures of our sweet girl. Because, though we think she's the best thing since sliced bread, we know that not all of you want to spend all of your time looking at pictures of her. Anyhow, her blog of photos is here
if you are interested. We'll be adding photos - and maybe some commentary eventually.
Love you all and can't wait to see you in July,
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Summer time......
Figured it's about time for the annual "I'm still alive" post here once again. Long story short, I finished finals up yesterday and am looking forward to a summer without books or too much thinking. I definitely forgot how draining school can be on you. But I survived and get to move on to being a 2nd year optometry student. Good luck Jake, Jen, and rest with school stuff still going on. Planning on making it back for a visit around family picnic time and to see Sprout in the flesh. Hope to see most, if not all, of you then.
Here's a few pics of the amazing spring break canoe trip I went on down in Canyonlands Park and the Green River in Utah. 18 hour drive from rainy Oregon......but absolutely worth it.

Here's a few pics of the amazing spring break canoe trip I went on down in Canyonlands Park and the Green River in Utah. 18 hour drive from rainy Oregon......but absolutely worth it.

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