Sunday, April 27, 2008
Life Updates!
Ice Breakers

All in all, it was an awesome day. Jim turned in the best time for the runners with a 22 minute - 3 mile time. Tom clocked in at 23 minutes. I ran the course in 25 minutes and my mom came in with a 27 minute time. It was a fun, warm, active spring day with the family. What could be better?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Boat Rentals
-The Boat Loft at Holter is under new ownership, but in the past they have rented out both ski boats and pontoons. I would assume the new owners would continue to do so, but I was unable to find any prices at this time.
-Malmstrom rents out a small flat-bottom boat that would not allow us to ski behind, but they also rent out wakeboards, life vests, water tubes, and water skis for a weekend.
-Canyon Ferry Boat Rental only rents pontoon boats and seeing how Abe and Nate have the desire to tube at high rates of speed. I don't think this is the answer.
-Water Fun Rental of Helena rents out an 18' VIP(?) for $175 a weekend, they require a $500 damage deposit and a credit card to secure the reservation. I have a feeling this boat has taken a beating in recent years.
-My suggestion (and remembering that I am the 47th member to enter this family I suggest with humility) is to rent a pontoon boat from the loft at Holter Lake so anybody who wants to be on the water during the day to fish and what-not can do so. For those who want to ski, wakeboard, and tube will be able to behind my parents boat which is at the cabin all summer long. I don't want to take the boat from my family all day long, but we would be able to use it for most of the day. Roughly the same length as renting a boat. There would be no need to worry about ski's, wakeboards, or tubes, we have enough to fit all different shapes and sizes. Lifejackets may be of concern, but I figure someone should be able to round up enough that we would be legal on the water. The only problem with Holter is finding the space for everyone to hang out at for the day. Someone would have to get up there early Friday to secure a spot, or we could find someplace across the lake to picnic for the day. We would need the pontoon to accomplish this task.
So that's my input into the whole thing, quite the lengthy post for my first, but hey what a way to start. If no one is interested in these ideas I will continue to look for alternative options. Meghan, Sprout, and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
P.S. Nobody stays on the tube for long when I am behind the wheel!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Mark your calendars ...

Thursday, April 17, 2008
I know another vote on this blog is not exciting but all of us around the cribbage board thought that it was a very pertinent subject. Just leave some comments and let us know how you feel about this idea. Love you all -
PS - Quote(s) of the Night - We are sitting around the table and Megan pushes on her belly.
Ryan - "Hey, what are you doing?"
Megan - "The baby's leg is hooked under my ribs and I'm trying to move it."
Ryan - "Well don't push on it so hard."
GRANDMA- "Hey, you're not carrying the baby so YOU be quiet!"
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I've been meaning to post this for many moons!!
The Annual (???) Christmas New Years St. Valentines Tax Reminder Letter from the Buyskes has arrived!
Benedict Douglas joined the scene on August 27, 2007! Hooray! Welcome, our little Blessing!
Costumes: For Halloween this year, Will borrowed his daddy’s old cap to top off his train engineer costume. Accessories included a wooden train whistle and lantern. Wearing a white sleep sack and a yolk yellow stocking cap, the little brother was the cutest little Egg Benedict you’d ever see!
Dump truck mania! It is starting to look like a Tonka truck rally in our house! Will spends hours each day playing with his trucks, trains, cars, and planes and Ben loves to watch and grab what he can.
Earmuffs! These would come in handy every once in a while to cover Will’s receptive little ears. Mommy found this out the hard way after a slip of the lip following a sticky spill led to a toddler using some colorful language.
Flight suit. Matt is a hard working pilot stationed with VP-46, Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. Currently qualified as a Patrol Plane Commander, he’s training to become an Instructor Pilot and is studying for his Mission Commander Boards.
Galveston Dust, Burnt Clove, Lemon Grass Sage, Scenic Desert – Wow, they come up with rich names for paint! Kelly and Matt have painted nearly every room in their home this year. Lots of work, but love the results.
Honeymoon… Matt’s still promising one… Kelly’s patiently waiting…
I-Chat: Isn’t technology incredible? We stay connected across the miles with the grandparents and various aunts and uncles via videoconference on the computer.
Jogging indoors. Matt and Kelly, tired of waiting for the return of the sun, invested in a treadmill this winter. Kelly’s goal: 10 K, here we come!
The Kitchen is Kelly’s favorite room of the house, with cooking and baking as the favorite hobbies. Cakes and cinnamon bread are the most frequent guests of her oven, so come on over for a slice!
Lake Milnor = our favorite Montana getaway. We enjoyed a visiting Matt’s grandparents in July. Will even had the chance to ride in Grandpa Bill’s boat and cool off with a dip in a lake with Dad and a very large and in-charge Mommy (expecting Ben’s arrival).
“Motocyco! Bwwwoommmm!” Will loves looking at them, listening to them, talking to Boppa about his, but he especially enjoys riding Ben like a motorcycle. This used to freak Mommy out, but judging from the cute baby giggles, Ben appears to get a kick out of it.
“Nudder one, pwease.” Will can’t get enough time on the laps of those willing and able to read to him. In fact, book time eclipses dump truck time! (Cue the proud mommy/teacher smile)
Oregon Coast: We celebrated Ben’s baptism over the Thanksgiving holiday surrounded by beautiful family, friends, and the coastal scenery near Tillamook, OR. It was a very dairy good time.
Potty trained, and proud. The big little boy is diaper free all day long! Hooray!
Quick! Get the camera! They are growing fast, and there are so many great moments with these fun boys. It is amazing how the second child’s photo portfolio is about half as thick as the first’s, though…
Rolls upon rolls. Ben’s got ‘em. He doubles up on the chin and it’s nothing but chubby baby down to his toes.
San Diego has been the destination for many of Matt’s training missions this year. He’s missed at home, but at least Daddy gets a little fun in the California sun when he’s not flying.
Two years old! Will celebrated in style at Nana and Boppa’s (Kelly’s folks) during a trip to Iowa this fall while Daddy was training (see above). Grampa and Gramma (Matt’s folks) and Aunt Molly, as well as Great Grandma and Grandpa McGillick were special guests.
Ultimate Challenge: Ping Pong. You. Me. Casa Buyske Rec Room. BRING IT!
Visitiors! Will and Ben (along with their parents, who know they are of secondary importance now) had the pleasure of entertaining many of our family and friends this past year, enjoying time with Gramma and Grampa, Great Grandparents Buyske, Uncle Mike, Uncle Joey, Aunt Jen, Aunt Molly, as well as Nana and Boppa, Uncle Matto, Aunt Jill and Uncle John.
Wow! We cut down our own Christmas tree this year, and made sure it was a good one. All ten feet of our pine helped us celebrate in style with Matt’s family here in Anacortes. We had a ball playing games, chatting it up, feasting in style, and just hanging out.
X-country and across the ocean: This summer, Matt will lead his crew on a six-month overseas deployment. Kelly and the boys plan to spend the time in Montana and Iowa, hitting a few other destinations along the way. Keep an eye out; they might just be coming to a town near you!
You, dear friends and family, are always welcome at Casa Buyske! May God bless you all and continue to bless us with your friendship and love.
Zo don’t forget to do those taxes!!! J
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Rained-out Picnic?

June 14. The venue could be most anywhere. A lake isn't realistic, because June water is only slightly above freezing. And overall, the weather can be dicey at this time of year. I know this date works well for some and not well for others. State your case.
July 26. Likely a lake venue with a boat. Weather should be good. More people can make it who might otherwise have to depart in early August. State your case.
August 9. This date is more conducive to choosing a nice lake, getting a boat, and blasting out old style. One downside -- it might be too close to Abe and D's wedding date, but that's not settled yet. Once again, this date probably works well for some and not well for others. State your case.
This is the last post that posits a choice. Soon the decision will come down and you'll have to adjust your calendar accordingly. Line up and sign up!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
More pictures from Italy
Monday, April 07, 2008
A birthday celebration!

Little Miss Emma turns one year old today! Horray!!! We've had a fun filled day so far with swimming and playing with Nate's Mom's dogs. Check out Emma's blog in the next few days to see pictures of the days festivities.
This just in....I have taken a nurse practitioner position with Billings Clinic so the Meunier family will be returning to Montana!!!!! We are planning on moving late May, but are still trying to iron out the details. We are all very excited to get closer to family. As far as family picnic goes, anything is fine for us. August 9th is actually my and Nate's 5th wedding anniversary and what better way to spend it than with our family.
Hope you are all doing well and we'll see you soon!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Time to Vote ...

June 14. The venue could be most anywhere. A lake isn't realistic, because June water is only slightly above freezing. And overall, the weather can be dicey at this time of year. I know this date works well for some and not well for others. State your case.
August 9. This date is more conducive to choosing a nice lake, getting a boat, and blasting out old style. One downside -- it might be too close to Abe and D's wedding date, but that's not settled yet. Once again, this date probably works well for some and not well for others. State your case.
As before, I'm pegging my birthday (April 14, in case you forgot) as D-Day, with D standing for Decision. Thank you for your attention. John & Ann, Grand Marshalls
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
News From Chicago
So, we are officially engaged, and couldn't be more excited. After a night in Orvieto, we dropped off the car and headed to Rome for 5 days.
I'll post more pictures later, or maybe we'll put them all online and post a link here, but I wanted to share the great news as soon as possible.