As Grand Marshals of the Family Picnic, Ann and I have been discussing the benefits of holding the event on June 14. Everybody was already geared to gather on that date -- why not do the picnic then?
I realize that, as a member of this family, you're probably a bit reluctant to state your opinion (yeah, right!), but please do so. Is that date good?
Also, the Wingerters have once again offered their yard as the picnic venue. Very gracious of them, and last summer's soiree there was quite enjoyable. Do it again, or choose an "outdoorsy" spot, such as Canyon Ferry or King's Hill? (Discussing this won't hurt their feelings; it's a matter of what people prefer.)
So, here's your chance to chime in -- what's your preference for date and location? I think it would be best for everyone if we have this decided by ... say ... my birthday. When's that, you ask? Why, it's April 14. That way, y'all have plenty of time to plan your summer events. And now you also have time to shop for my birthday. It's a win-win.