Thursday, February 28, 2008
Break a Leg, Molly!
We want to wish Molly good luck as she starts her weekend of Complete History of America (Abridged) at Augustana. Molly is part of a cast of three and it sounds like they have been having a blast! If anyone wants to check it out, go to Click on the fist line - Augustana College. Then click on Performing and Visual Arts and then Theatre Schedule. Scroll down to Complete History of America (Abridged). You can see the poster for the play and if you scroll down that, you can read the article written in the Argus Leader. Marc, Jen and I are going out this weekend to watch the play. We are so proud of you, Molly!!!
Public Service Announcement
I don't have any kids, but for those of you that do, please take a moment to watch this important announcement.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Pictures needed
For Christmas this year Grandma got a digital picture frame for the kitchen. So there would be pictures on it when she opened it I put pictures I had of various family members on my computer onto the memory card for the frame. Well after looking at the same images for a while Grandma made a request that I put some new pictures on it so I need some help getting pictures. If you guys want to help you can send me pictures at and I will throw them on the picture frame and your pictures will be seen by everyone; especially those who play cribbage at the kitchen table. Love ya all.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Back from Ohio
Well, we had a good family visit in Ohio. It was a whirlwind of family gatherings, along with a trip to the zoo. And no, we weren't visiting family in the zoo -- we gathered with family at the zoo. Ann's sister-in-law Pat is the operations manager there, and she hosted a fine tour.

Here's a photo of Marie with half of her children (Bill, Kit, Ann), along with Kit's son Eamonn.
For more photos, visit the Waickman Family Blog.
Meanwhile, it's nice to be back in Montana, where the weather is a bit warmer. And thanks to Jan and Marc for looking after the house while we were gone.
Here's a photo of Marie with half of her children (Bill, Kit, Ann), along with Kit's son Eamonn.
For more photos, visit the Waickman Family Blog.
Meanwhile, it's nice to be back in Montana, where the weather is a bit warmer. And thanks to Jan and Marc for looking after the house while we were gone.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Mikayla's Pics
Monday, February 18, 2008
Howdy from Ohio
Ann and I have been visiting her family in the Akron area since Valentine's Day. It has been nice to catch up with folks and see how the nieces have grown. We've been using this blog to show family photos -- and to persuade the younger members of the clan to get a Waickman blog going so we can keep up with all the family doings. I'll post some photos when we return to Montana. Meanwhile, we hope all is well with everyone. Here's a picture of the manor house in the retirement village where Ann's mother, Marie, lives.

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Hello from St Louie

Hello my wonderful family. I haven't talked to most of you in a few months and I figure you like most people need a little bit of Jake in your life so here it is...
I just had my second test since Christmas break today and it was pretty rough. We learned basically every bacteria tha causes disease in about three weeks. I know what you're thinking because I'm thinking the same thing and it probably goes something like this, "How are these people supposed to learn and remember all this forever and ever?" Ok maybe you weren't thinking that, but the answer is we can't. I have already forgotten half the stuff I had on this test. It's bascially just so when you see this again in the hospital it will take a shorter time to learn it. So basically I am paying 40,000 a year to forget everything a learn. Ok that might be a little bit of a overstatement but thats what it feels like. Viruses and fungi are next so I actually may be able to tell Rika, Mark and the kids something aboout what they have.
So other than the school thing I have been able to get out and enjoy myself. I had my first ice skating experience since I was in elementary school in January. The first weekend of February was not only Mardis Gras, not only Super Bowl, and also one of my really good friends came out to interview at SLU Med so we had a really good time (see pictures...look at those beads, crazy). Valentine's Day held an enjoyable study session until about one in the morning, but I think it might still beat having to think up some romantic thing to do, which usually costs way too much, and takes way too much time and effort. That being said Happy Valentine's Day to all you happy couples out there in blog land. Other than that may weeks consist of lots of studying and the weekends bring nothing more than compiling research from the numerous local (non-alcoholic) establishments.
I hope everyone is doing well. I miss all of you a ton.
Love Ya
Thursday, February 14, 2008
happy valentines day!
I love checking in on everyone - this site totally rocks. We have some family updates - we all have the flu, Rileigh turned 13 (birthday party pic below) , Piper is growing great guns (flashing her gang sign below), Bridger was on the honor roll 4.0, Truman learns more words everyday - loves his baby sister, and now jumps (arms in the air - both feet of the ground, so cute!) Mark travels across country as always, and my website will be up by the end of the month! WOW!
Happy Valentines Day - love love love you all!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Ahhhh, Mexico
It’s blizzarding outside again. It was a similar snowstorm two weeks ago. We drove to the airport watching cars slide off the road in all directions. And then, a few small hours from those snowy stormy moments we entered pure bliss. A piece of February heaven exists in Cancun. We walked out into the warm humid air and Mikayla was in shock as she came to realize we would be swimming in an outdoor pool. Upon arriving at our resort, she further stated that it was like “a dream”. And a dream it was. Clear skies with the bluest ocean you’ve ever seen and warm, so wonderfully warm. Boogie boarding and snorkeling, swimming with dolphins and collecting shells, soaking up the rays and reading a great book, hanging out with grandparents (Kit and Greg, to clarify) and laughing. It should be mandatory that everyone gets such a yearly trip because now I am able to handle the impending months of snow. And I love the picture of Carter looking through the leaves for lizards because he looks almost like a Moore. Hope you enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Gotta Post Something
It has been pretty quiet on the blogging front. What's up with all you guys? Well, anyway, here's a Piper picture from a couple weeks ago. I suppose Maurika will be posting some new photos soon. Eh?

Ann and I are headed for Ohio on Valentine's Day. We're getting to spend some quality Waickman time. Her sister Kit and family are also joining us from Minneapolis. It's a rather short trip -- we'll be back next Tuesday -- but it should be fun.
I'll be doing a solo show at Bert & Ernie's in Great Falls on Saturday, February 23. If you're in the neighborhood, stop on down. Meanwhile, let's get some news on the blog.
Ann and I are headed for Ohio on Valentine's Day. We're getting to spend some quality Waickman time. Her sister Kit and family are also joining us from Minneapolis. It's a rather short trip -- we'll be back next Tuesday -- but it should be fun.
I'll be doing a solo show at Bert & Ernie's in Great Falls on Saturday, February 23. If you're in the neighborhood, stop on down. Meanwhile, let's get some news on the blog.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Emma's a superstar!
Well, maybe not so much. We did start a blog for her though! If you're interested, the website is Check it out and cheer on the cutest Meunier yet, if I do say so myself! Happy early Valentine's Day everyone!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Another birthday dad
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Happy Birthday, Dad!!

Today on this Super Sunday, Tom turns 49 years old! I'm sure the day will be spent getting ready to watch the Super Bowl and eating the Super Bowl Sunday staples of salami, crackers, cheese, chips, and dip. I wish I could have made it back to Billings but I'll still be thinking of ya! Happy Birthday, Dad, have a great one!
Friday, February 01, 2008
Desiree and I finally wrapped up our trial in Los Angeles. Won't have word on the verdict for another month or so, but we'll keep you updated. Here are a few pictures.
This is our "war room" in our hotel where we spent our evenings working. Pretty nice digs, but we got sick of room service after the first week.
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