Saturday, March 31, 2007
Happy Birthday, Connie!
Today is Connie's birthday, and it's a milestone. She turns 60. That's great! I wish I had a good photo to post, but I don't. Such it'll just hafta suffice to say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CONNIE, AND MANY HAPPY RETURNS!"
Friday, March 30, 2007
Family Picnic Trivia
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Optimist: The Glass is Half Full.
Pessimist: The Glass is Half Empty.
Buddhist: The Glass is Empty.
Catholic: According to the church council held at Cappadocia many years ago, the sins of the world half emptied the glass, but Jesus came to assure us that the glass will be full again.
Protestant: The Glass is half full of water and completely full of the holy spirit.
Jain: The glass is half full of water that is teeming with tiny unseen creatures, and if you drink that, the bad karma goo of their deaths will adhere to your soul, dragging you down at death.
Jew: If I've only got a half-glass of water, I should only pay half-price.
Wiccan: This glass belongs in the west of our circle, where it can represent the power of Water.
Folkish Asatruar: This glass is half full of water that probably comes from some ground well that our good, pure, and true Teutonic ancestors never drank out of, so you can just pour this out.
Regular Asatruar: The glass is half full of a good chaser for these shots we're gonna do until one of us falls under the table. Hail Thor!
Traditional Witch: Would you top me off, please? I have to give at least half of this to the spirit of that Tree over there, and I'm kinda thirsty myself.
Rastafarian: Thanks mon, I got dee bad cottonmouth
Taoist: Notice how the water easily flows to the bottom of the glass, using the space perfectly and effortlessly. The Tao is like that. By making no effort, it fills all things.
Ceremonial Mage: This glass belongs in the west of our circle, where it can represent the power of Water. However, if you are working during the period of the Inverted Equinox, or if you are working with the special opening (and all of those pesky equilibrated signs) the elemental assignments in your circle WILL change, so pay attention to this chart- according to it, the watchtower of water, along with the Angels AADOPEDZE and BAHAZA (who are normally angels of the Fire Quadrangle) will now be invoked from the north, and the glass should be placed there.
Muslim: The glass has been wisely filled only half way, sparing the extra water for others. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said that water must not be wasted. God has spoken the truth.
General Hindu Mystic: Great Indeed are the glasses of water that have sprung from Brahman! OM
Follower of Vishnu: Vishnu has created this glass and the water and the one who has placed the water in it, and he alone determines, through karma, whether or not the perceiver of this glass shall describe it as "half full" or "half empty".
Follower of Shiva: Shiva has created this glass and the water and the one who has placed the water in it, and he alone determines, through karma, whether or not the perceiver of this glass shall describe it as "half full" or "half empty".
Follower of Krishna: This glass of water fulfills its dharma by holding water, and dispensing it when a thirsty man or woman needs a drink. If it did not, it would fall into transgression. But Krishna is a great light within all, and all glasses of water, and the thirsty men and women that come to drink from it, give praise to Krishna under a million names.
Atheist: The Glass is half empty.
Punchable Person: This glass is full. It's half full of water, and half full of air. You choose to ignore the air, but it has volume like anything else. And, you need it as much as you need water.
Beatnik: Laugh, you squiggly snake, who thrusts his pink tutu unseen in the great glass castle. Cry and dance for me, you piece of rubber hose, you rainbow lolly-pop that gurgles in the foam of the ocean! Oh yeah...
Scientologist: The E-meter detects at least eight strong Engrams in this water- no wonder it didn't have the courage to go all the way to the top. It can only unconsciously react to the effects of the traumas that hold it back. I'll do an auditing, but it'll cost 300 dollars for each hour.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
This is the outside of our house. The grass hasn't really come in yet, but I guess they plant it dormant and then it will start growing in early to mid spring. The development is just about completely moved into, so the construction noise had cut back, which is nice.
This is the kitchen. I love how much space it has. At our last place, Nate and I could hardly fit in together. I like the way the color turned out in here. We still need to do a second coat but have been putting it off because we soon realized painting really, really sucks.
This is the dining room which is basically an extension of the kitchen. The laundry room and garage entrance is at the back of the room. The stairs divide the kitchen and dining room and lead to all the bedrooms upstairs. Stairs are not my friend right now. I am definitely huffing and puffing by the time I get to the top!
This is just a silly picture of Nate and I from the Badlands on our summer moving trip. Strange to think in a few days there will be a new member in our family! I'll keep you all posted. Love you all and miss you tons!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Anacortes Finally Meets Renton
The Washington Buyskes FINALLY made it down to Renton to visit Rika and Family. It took an impending move back to Montana to light a fire under our butts, but it paid off in the end as we had an awesome time. It is SO much fun to see the newest generation of Moores enjoying each other's company. Bridger and Will instantly hit it off and I am sure that Truman and Will were communicating on some level. Despite a recovering leg, Naala was able to bond with Will while Dakota left Will quaking in his booties. Matt was astounded by how much Rileigh reminded him of Bri and it was wonderful for all the Buyskes to finally meet Mark...WHAT A GUY!
So for anyone who is looking to have a SPLENDID time, there is plenty of entertainment in the Pac Northwest. Tulip Festival time is quickly approaching (April 1-30) and the Buyskes have plenty of room!
Thanks again for such a wonderful weekend Rika, Mark, and Kids!!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Spring Break
First off, I hope everyone had a good, safe St. Patrick's day! I know I did. Butte was amazing as always. Secondly, Spring break is next week for all of us University of Montana students. To commemorate, a few friends and I decided to do a little road tripping to Seattle and then down to Portland for the first half of the week and then back to montana and our respective homes for the second half. We have a pretty open itinerary so i was kinda hoping to see some of my long lost cousins who happen to live in the Pac NW. Unfortunately, I dont have phone numbers or anything so if you would kindly respond, that would be terrific! Have a great week, fam fam!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Crazy Cousin Makes Good ...
Here's some information from Quicknotes at Carroll College, where Robbie Poirier is working ...
Robert Poirier, Carroll's events arrangement specialist in the Campus Center, is an accomplished and decorated ski joring racer (that means, he races on skis at high speed over an obstacle course while being towed by a galloping horse!). He's aiming to bring home another championship belt buckle in the event at the Whitefish Winter Carnival on January 26-28. When you see Robert in the Campus Center, wish him the best of luck.
That's not a picture of Rob, but it gives you the idea of ski joring. Apparently Rob took the trophy at a Wyoming meet last week. A couple years back, the Helena Independent Record ran an article on the sport and featured Rob in a photo.

Robert Poirier, Carroll's events arrangement specialist in the Campus Center, is an accomplished and decorated ski joring racer (that means, he races on skis at high speed over an obstacle course while being towed by a galloping horse!). He's aiming to bring home another championship belt buckle in the event at the Whitefish Winter Carnival on January 26-28. When you see Robert in the Campus Center, wish him the best of luck.
That's not a picture of Rob, but it gives you the idea of ski joring. Apparently Rob took the trophy at a Wyoming meet last week. A couple years back, the Helena Independent Record ran an article on the sport and featured Rob in a photo.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Coaching Cousin
I thought everyone would like a chance to check out the quick bio on our coaching cousin! You can also get to the game schedule from this page. Guess what? Glendive and Ashland are both in the (relatively) same area of Montana - the edge of civilization! If you head East, you can visit two people instead of just one! For a limited time only...
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Give me your decrepit, your battered, your bedraggled
Your ramshackle, threadbare, weather-beaten white tee-shirts.
That's right. I want them...
and when I'm done with them,
you'll want them back.
In light of the upcoming (extended and updated) Moore family reunion,
I thought it only fitting that we have tee's to wear home showing our pride,
and our survival...
So, send me your whiteys! The more the better!!!
We can use plain white cotton tee shirts, all shapes and sizes.
Holes are fine, some small stains, paint etc are ok too...
just no lettering or printing on them anywhere.
(except for tags of course)
My address is:
Maurika Wells
19636 134th Court SE
Renton, WA 98058
We are planning on moving to Montana soon,
so if our address changes, I'll post it immediately.
Let's get this rolling family!!!
That's right. I want them...
and when I'm done with them,
you'll want them back.
In light of the upcoming (extended and updated) Moore family reunion,
I thought it only fitting that we have tee's to wear home showing our pride,
and our survival...
So, send me your whiteys! The more the better!!!
We can use plain white cotton tee shirts, all shapes and sizes.
Holes are fine, some small stains, paint etc are ok too...
just no lettering or printing on them anywhere.
(except for tags of course)
My address is:
Maurika Wells
19636 134th Court SE
Renton, WA 98058
We are planning on moving to Montana soon,
so if our address changes, I'll post it immediately.
Let's get this rolling family!!!
Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hey all! Well, last night we closed our show. It was sad to see it go, but we must move on. We struck the set and moved in part of the set for the next show. If you all would like to see pictures, you can visit the theatre website at and click on the "Current Season" tab and then click on "Kin: The Trial of Carrie Buck" and photos should pop up.
So, we just got off of a 4 day weekend because we had 2 snow days Thursday and Friday! It was awesome! But, I felt really lazy. I guess I am just making up for my high school and elementary school days when we never had snow days. So, now we have 2 weeks of classes and then Spring Break!! Yay! Anyhoo, I will attempt to post some pics, but I probably won't be able to figure it out, so you may just have to visit the site. Love you all!!
Friday, March 02, 2007
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