Hello wonderful family!! This is just a note from Sioux Falls wishing everyone a belated Happy Thanksgiving. I am not sure what everyone did over the holiday, but I hope it entailed a lot of food, family, and football!!! Molly and I were fortunate enough to be invited to Sheldon, Iowa to spend Thanksgiving Day with the Perry family. It was a blast!! They are very gracious hosts and we ate our fill and then some!! :) I cannot wait to see some (hopefully most) of you over the Christmas holiday. I hope that you all have safe travels this weekend and enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving break!!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
the south has made us slower!
Greetings from sunny NC! Sorry the weather sucks so much in MT. Last Saturday it was almost 80! Just wanted to share some updates before I post Christmas lists (question for all of those English wizards out there. In the previous sentance, if I wanted to say both Nate and Miranda's Christmas list, which is the most appropriate: mine and Nate's, me and Nate's, my and Nate's?) . I had an ultrasound Monday and we found out it's a girl! All parts are accounted for, so that's good. She currently weighs 10oz. I've been trying to scan the ultrasound pictures in but have had no luck. Like the others in school, my semester is quickly winding down. Thank God it's been a relatively easy one, since I spent the first half of it in the bathroom! The house we're building is almost done. We close December 15, so less than a month left. I'm really excited to get back to a place where are belongings are close in reach. We've been living out of storage since we got here. That's about it for now. Here's the lists:
Any good first-time parent book to reassure me I won't screw my child up for life
XL duffle bag on wheels
Target gift cards
Any baby stuff, especially books (used is fine)
Any book you've enjoyed that you think I would like
Any cool artsy stuff to decorate the house with
Golf shirts (S or M)
Golf balls
Cool long sleeve tee-shirts
Home Depot gift card
Any good how to be a good handyman around the house book
Gloves, thin but not leather or suede
You could also support Saint Olaf College for either of us, or Mercy Ships and Northwest Medical Teams for me.
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. I'll be at home for the next week if any of you are in town and wanted to rub the belly!
- Miranda
Any good first-time parent book to reassure me I won't screw my child up for life
XL duffle bag on wheels
Target gift cards
Any baby stuff, especially books (used is fine)
Any book you've enjoyed that you think I would like
Any cool artsy stuff to decorate the house with
Golf shirts (S or M)
Golf balls
Cool long sleeve tee-shirts
Home Depot gift card
Any good how to be a good handyman around the house book
Gloves, thin but not leather or suede
You could also support Saint Olaf College for either of us, or Mercy Ships and Northwest Medical Teams for me.
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. I'll be at home for the next week if any of you are in town and wanted to rub the belly!
- Miranda
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Holler from the Zoo
Hello one and all! I just got done working at the Holy Spirit high school SEARCH this weekend, from whence I promptly returned to Missoula to stand in line for Cat/Griz tickets. It was an all night gathering of 1599 Griz fans and me. I felt like I was in a refugee camp. but 6 and a half hours later I had the coveted ticket and returned home to study for a biology test that I had in 3 hours. Anywho, here is my big Christmas list:
ANY Notre Dame/MSU fan-wear (t-shirt M, sweat shirts L, hats 7-1/4, sweat pants L)
Any cool Religious, Notre Dame, all around sweet posters or even a tapestry to decorate my otherwise bare room (I have a shower curtain of a beach hanging up.)
A printer
A digital camera
Golf accessories (balls, teas, towel, etc.)
Family pictures w/ frames!
Visits from everyone
Donations to Lost and Foundation, Holy Spirit's building fund
Ok well that about does it! you all take care and be safe over the holiday season! I hope I see each and everyone of you at some point. Love you all!
ANY Notre Dame/MSU fan-wear (t-shirt M, sweat shirts L, hats 7-1/4, sweat pants L)
Any cool Religious, Notre Dame, all around sweet posters or even a tapestry to decorate my otherwise bare room (I have a shower curtain of a beach hanging up.)
A printer
A digital camera
Golf accessories (balls, teas, towel, etc.)
Family pictures w/ frames!
Visits from everyone
Donations to Lost and Foundation, Holy Spirit's building fund
Ok well that about does it! you all take care and be safe over the holiday season! I hope I see each and everyone of you at some point. Love you all!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Shout out from 59718

Hey all, this is Nate in beautiful, and presently cold, Bozeman, Montana. All is going great here as we are hitting the home stretch for this semester in school. I have a ton of papers and projects due soon and I think I will keep procrastinating so that it becomes really stressful. Even bigger news: Cat-Griz is this weekend and Jake, some friends, and I are heading down to Missoula on Friday. Abe and I have our annual Cat-Griz bet, anyone else want to throw down? I have faith in my 'Cats and am pretty sure that they will beat the Griz. Without further ado, here is my list. Hope everyone is doing great and I hope that I will get to see you all soon. Go Cats!
-Notre Dame hoody XL
"-Thank You For Smoking" DVD
-North Face or Helley Hansen stocking cap/beanie
-Really, anything Notre Dame (shirts L)
-Cats to beat the Griz, that'd be a great early present.
I'll leave you with a picture of Jake and I, I can't tell you when or where it was taken or why I look so confused. I had to put a pic up that showed my team spirit though.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Shout out from Portland!!

Hey everybody!
It has been so nice to read about all of your exciting lives here online. Peter and I have been having an eventful autumn full of guests and trips and remodeling crazyness. Now that the spa is officially expanded we can now focus on other things like school, home life, and now...HOLIDAYS! Never a dull moment.
So...to participate in making shopping easier for our cousins here a list of things that we would both like:
A visit from YOU!
Pictures of the you, your family, our family, old pictures new pictures - framed maybe?
A Salad Spinner
A large wall map of the world
Donation to the Humane Society or Green Peace or Lost and Foundation or Oxfam
Gift Certificates to Target or Powell's Books
My personal list:
Fingerless black gloves that are long up the arm
Airbake cookie sheets
We look forward to seeing some of you at Christmas time and I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
By the way - does anyone know when Miranda and Nate are due?
love you!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
John's list
Add another post to the Christmas wish-lists. Let me start by saying that my family -- immediate and extended -- has been the best gift I could hope for throughout my life. That means all of you, and I'm really partial to these four. 
So, anything I list in this post is frosting. And I'd really prefer to spread the frosting to the charities.
Preferred charities
Helena Food Share, PO Box 943, Helena 59624
Helena Friendship Center Building Fund, 1503 Gallatin, Helena 59601
Habitat for Humanity www.habitat.org
Doctors without Borders www.doctorswithoutborders.org/donate
Oxfam International (hunger relief) www.oxfam.org
Amnesty International (human rights work) www.amnesty.org
Anything you make, bake, or create
I'm adding a new item -- the 75th Anniversary Edition of Joy of Cooking that just came out. Great go-together gift!
DVD: Prairie Home Companion
book: The Female Brain, Louann Brezendine
black socks
navy socks
white ankle socks (athletic)
folding free-stand cheese grater like we got for Hannah
a nice Cabernet

So, anything I list in this post is frosting. And I'd really prefer to spread the frosting to the charities.
Preferred charities
Helena Food Share, PO Box 943, Helena 59624
Helena Friendship Center Building Fund, 1503 Gallatin, Helena 59601
Habitat for Humanity www.habitat.org
Doctors without Borders www.doctorswithoutborders.org/donate
Oxfam International (hunger relief) www.oxfam.org
Amnesty International (human rights work) www.amnesty.org
Anything you make, bake, or create
I'm adding a new item -- the 75th Anniversary Edition of Joy of Cooking that just came out. Great go-together gift!
DVD: Prairie Home Companion
book: The Female Brain, Louann Brezendine
black socks
navy socks
white ankle socks (athletic)
folding free-stand cheese grater like we got for Hannah
a nice Cabernet
Happy Halloween

Well here we go, the Wells-Coldirons are posting and thought we'd wish you a belated Happy Halloween before we get too carried away with Christmas already!!! But here goes: More than ANYTHING, I can say that we would like a visit from YOU, yes YOU, all of you. Whether or not you were lucky enough to draw one of the 5 of us or not (but especially if you did, cuz now you owe us!) - we want to see you!!! BUT, if you want to bring a gift for your arrival, here's our lists...
Truman: Baby clothes size 18mos. (loves the overalls, and all shoes are too small for his fat feet)
Moccasins (oshkosh have some good ones, size 3 or larger)
Baby Einstein Videos (dvd)
Beattles Lullabye Album
Baby Toys
Bridger: Magic the Gathering Cards (specifically, any coldsnap deck or newer and/or any booster pack)
Card case for storing Magic Cards AND/OR books that have insert pages
Game Cube Games (shadow hedgehog, pokemon gale of darkness)
Gift Cards: Toys R Us, Target
Harry Potter Books on Cassette Tape (all but Order of the Phoenix, he has it already and it's wearing out!)
Yo Ball (like a YO-YO, but a ball)
Erector Set Advanced
Old Transformer Movie Collection (dvd)
Books, anything like Magic or Fantasy
Cool ND baseball hat
Rileigh: Gameboy DS games: Kirby Star Ride, Big Brain Academy
Gift Certificates: Target, Old Navy, Bookstore
Dog accessories for her Chihuahua Dakota (male)
Tennis Shoes casual cool looking, size 9
Fun Socks, must be knee highs
Mountain Bike
Ballet tights, pink size s/m adult
Ballet leotard, black size M adult
Any other Ballet stuff you can think of, decorations etc.
Mark: Book: Feast for Crows
Blank CD's
Black socks
DVD: Shark week, national geographic
John Deere Ball cap (or anything really with John Deere on it)
Tulle Rack for Suburban
Gym Bag, large
Starwars Lunchbox
Daddy Vest (carries diapers, wipes, the whole shabang!)
Maurika: Subscription to Real Simple Magazine
Any casual clothing from Title Nine (size M, 6-8)
Ann Taylor Loft Military Jacket (long, navy, silver buttons)
A visit from YOU!
Cordless Iron
Wooden Storage Shelves for the Garage
Big Storage Containers Plastic
Matt and Nat Wallet (zippers shut, lotsa places for cards)
Book: Keeping Faith
Movie: Proof
Merry Holidays!!! You all always have a place to stay here!
Lotsa Love! Maurika
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Another day, another list
Well, I thought I would post my Christmas list on here so that whoever has me will have some idea of what I would like (as well as the parents). I know this is a rare appearance for me, but I like to keep a low profile. So...shop on!
CDs: Snow Patrol "Eyes Open", Death Cab for Cutie "Plans", Bruce Springsteen "Nebraska", Willie Nelson "Songs", any Live Phish album except #'s 13 & 14
Notre Dame sweatshirt (preferably hooded, XXL)
Any Griz apparel (XL for most of it)
Canon PowerShot A540 6MP Digital Camera (amazon.com)
SKY/CLA West Ham United Jacket (can be found at http://ssl.whufc.co.uk/, under men's leisurewear, jackets)
"House", seasons 1 & 2 on DVD
Saucony Originals Low Pro shoes (sz. 13 in Chestnut/Java/Green on www.zappos.com)
CDs: Snow Patrol "Eyes Open", Death Cab for Cutie "Plans", Bruce Springsteen "Nebraska", Willie Nelson "Songs", any Live Phish album except #'s 13 & 14
Notre Dame sweatshirt (preferably hooded, XXL)
Any Griz apparel (XL for most of it)
Canon PowerShot A540 6MP Digital Camera (amazon.com)
SKY/CLA West Ham United Jacket (can be found at http://ssl.whufc.co.uk/, under men's leisurewear, jackets)
"House", seasons 1 & 2 on DVD
Saucony Originals Low Pro shoes (sz. 13 in Chestnut/Java/Green on www.zappos.com)
life of newest buyske
Monday, November 06, 2006
one buyske's christmas list
Okay....so this is to get people off my back about not having a Christmas list. Here are a few ideas for the lucky person who has me! :)
Charms for bracelet
Miraculous Mary Medal w/chain
Innocent Man by John Grisham
Gift Cards to Target and/or Barnes and Noble
2nd Season of Will and Grace
That should be all, I am sending a separate list to the rents with the more expensive items on it!! :) Just kidding!!! All is well in South Dakota. We are having some very warm weather, I am wearing shorts!! That is pretty sweet. Anyway, hope everyone else is doing well.
Charms for bracelet
Miraculous Mary Medal w/chain
Innocent Man by John Grisham
Gift Cards to Target and/or Barnes and Noble
2nd Season of Will and Grace
That should be all, I am sending a separate list to the rents with the more expensive items on it!! :) Just kidding!!! All is well in South Dakota. We are having some very warm weather, I am wearing shorts!! That is pretty sweet. Anyway, hope everyone else is doing well.
Moore from Chicago ...
So what to do on a Sunday? On a whim, we thought we'd try to find tickets to the matinee of "Wicked," the hot musical playing downtown. Well, a little web work dug up only "sold out" and high prices for what turned out to be already-sold second-hand tix.
Then Abe suggested checking with Borders bookstore downtown. I called them, and they described a drawing. Put your name in once, you get a chance to win two tickets at a ridiculously low price. Must be present to win at high noon on Borders' third floor.
Fat chance, we thought -- but what the heck? At least we could get some lunch and go see a movie. ("Borat" was in mind.) We hustled downtown and made entry under the wire.
As it turned out, both Briana and I won, so all three of us (Karla couldn't be there), plus a lucky bystander, got front-row seats. It was a great show and marvelous production. I thought of Molly -- and how I expect to see her on such a stage someday.
After that, we pushed our luck and walked to the movie house to see "Borat." Sold out for several screenings. Ah, well ... home again.
Then Abe suggested checking with Borders bookstore downtown. I called them, and they described a drawing. Put your name in once, you get a chance to win two tickets at a ridiculously low price. Must be present to win at high noon on Borders' third floor.
Fat chance, we thought -- but what the heck? At least we could get some lunch and go see a movie. ("Borat" was in mind.) We hustled downtown and made entry under the wire.

After that, we pushed our luck and walked to the movie house to see "Borat." Sold out for several screenings. Ah, well ... home again.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Greetings from Chicago
It's a Sunday morning on Lake Michigan. Karla departed early for a long shift in ER; Abe and Bri are still sleeping.
Bri and I flew in Friday for a long weekend. Yesterday, we drove to South Bend for the ND-North Carolina game.
A bit of chilly, blustery day, but not bad -- great football weather. ND came out on top, 45-26. Pretty good for Briana's first football game.
Upon returning to Chicago, we enjoyed a great dinner downtown at Abe's favorite Thai restaurant. The rest of the weekend is pretty loose. We don't have much of a schedule or an agenda -- just relax and enjoy our time together.
Bri and I flew in Friday for a long weekend. Yesterday, we drove to South Bend for the ND-North Carolina game.

Upon returning to Chicago, we enjoyed a great dinner downtown at Abe's favorite Thai restaurant. The rest of the weekend is pretty loose. We don't have much of a schedule or an agenda -- just relax and enjoy our time together.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
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