Well here we go, the Wells-Coldirons are posting and thought we'd wish you a belated Happy Halloween before we get too carried away with Christmas already!!! But here goes: More than ANYTHING, I can say that we would like a visit from YOU, yes YOU, all of you. Whether or not you were lucky enough to draw one of the 5 of us or not (but especially if you did, cuz now you owe us!) - we want to see you!!! BUT, if you want to bring a gift for your arrival, here's our lists...
Truman: Baby clothes size 18mos. (loves the overalls, and all shoes are too small for his fat feet)
Moccasins (oshkosh have some good ones, size 3 or larger)
Baby Einstein Videos (dvd)
Beattles Lullabye Album
Baby Toys
Bridger: Magic the Gathering Cards (specifically, any coldsnap deck or newer and/or any booster pack)
Card case for storing Magic Cards AND/OR books that have insert pages
Game Cube Games (shadow hedgehog, pokemon gale of darkness)
Gift Cards: Toys R Us, Target
Harry Potter Books on Cassette Tape (all but Order of the Phoenix, he has it already and it's wearing out!)
Yo Ball (like a YO-YO, but a ball)
Erector Set Advanced
Old Transformer Movie Collection (dvd)
Books, anything like Magic or Fantasy
Cool ND baseball hat
Rileigh: Gameboy DS games: Kirby Star Ride, Big Brain Academy
Gift Certificates: Target, Old Navy, Bookstore
Dog accessories for her Chihuahua Dakota (male)
Tennis Shoes casual cool looking, size 9
Fun Socks, must be knee highs
Mountain Bike
Ballet tights, pink size s/m adult
Ballet leotard, black size M adult
Any other Ballet stuff you can think of, decorations etc.
Mark: Book: Feast for Crows
Blank CD's
Black socks
DVD: Shark week, national geographic
John Deere Ball cap (or anything really with John Deere on it)
Tulle Rack for Suburban
Gym Bag, large
Starwars Lunchbox
Daddy Vest (carries diapers, wipes, the whole shabang!)
Maurika: Subscription to Real Simple Magazine
Any casual clothing from Title Nine (size M, 6-8)
Ann Taylor Loft Military Jacket (long, navy, silver buttons)
A visit from YOU!
Cordless Iron
Wooden Storage Shelves for the Garage
Big Storage Containers Plastic
Matt and Nat Wallet (zippers shut, lotsa places for cards)
Book: Keeping Faith
Movie: Proof
Merry Holidays!!! You all always have a place to stay here!
Lotsa Love! Maurika