Friday, October 28, 2005

Happy Birthday

Hey everyone!! Just wanted to remind you that Mike's Birthday is this Monday!! He is turning make sure you tease him a little!! Hope everyone has a great weekend and a fun-filled, safe Halloween!!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

So, how do we start?

Ok, so to clarify, everyone will list either a gift or charity or both and let the giver pick, right? So do we just put our list in here as a blog? This is my first time EVER even looking at a blog so it's all new to me but I like it. Oh, and don't forget to add addresses too.

Jan's Goldilocks

How bout that game yesterday. The Bozeman Chapter of Charlie's Army watched the record breaking day with the Buyske girls. Hopefully the family members that were at the game had a good time. Good to get Charlie his first win at ND Stadium. Just wondering... does anyone else see the 4th and 9 replay from last week and each time it's replayed think that ND is going to stop USC and win that game just to be fooled into watching the 69 yard catch? Just wondering.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

pretty cool!

This is awesome! I hope you all found the lists that John posted. John, did you talk with Rika and Hannah about adding their kids into this mix? I know in the past, they didn't want their kids included. Just wondering!

Match-ups from drawing of names

Here are

Mary sent the results of the drawing at the family picnic. The siblings and in-laws remain the same.

Given our discussion about "independent" and "dependent" cousins, I redrew for those two lists. The cut-off was high-school graduation.

Keep in mind these ideas ...
1. Post your wish-list of items you'd like or charities you support to this site – or find someone who will do it for you.

2. Keep the value of the items on your wish-list to about $20 or less – likewise when you're shopping or donating for someone. Your own creations are always nice gifts.

3. When shopping for someone, you're not restricted to the items on the list – buy 'em a pogo-stick if you want.

Siblings and In-Laws
Connie – Jim M
Bill – Tom
Jan – Jim W
Marc – John
John – Beryl
Ann – Mary
Tom – Marc
Jeanine – Bill
Mary – Connie
Jim W – Jeanine
Jim M – Jan
Beryl – Ann

Independent Cousins
Maurika – Kelly
Mark – Matt
Abe – Jerry
Hannah – Miranda
Jerry – Briana
Briana – Nick
Peter – Mark W
Michael – Jake
Matt – Ben
Kelly – Joey
Joey – Abe
Meghan – Peter
Jen – Nate Meunier
Molly – Maurika
Nate Moore – Michael
Miranda – Hannah
Nate Meunier – Nate Moore
Ben – Molly
Jake – Jen
Nick – Meghan

Dependent Cousins
Shannon – Kesiah
Sam – Bridger
Madison – Carter
Rileigh – Madison
Bridger – Mikayla
Mikayla – Sam
Carter – Shannon
Kesiah – Rileigh

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hottest Ticket In Town

Here's to getting up at 6 this morning after a long night and waiting in line for three hours to get the most prized possession a college kid could have. I went through the line once and then I was "that guy" and cut in line to get the second ticket. So two tickets to Cat/Griz in 3 hours for free... I'd say my day is already a success.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Where have all the flowers gone?

We do need to get some other members on this blog. I'm counting on these little flowers to line up and sign up. They're the Christmas angels, eh?

Anyway, as I noted in a comment to "Beerskee's" post, we will post Christmas lists here. Of course, that means that all participants have to enroll. I will get the name-drawing list and post it here soon.

Meanwhile, I'll be glued to USC-ND tomorrow!
Hopefully when I go to bed on Saturday night or Sunday morning, there will be a new #1 team in the country because our Notre Dame Fighting Irish beat SoCal. This is the year.
Good to see that the blogger sight is slowly but surely growing. I hope that more of the Moore family joins in on the fun!! Anyway, I was just curious if we were still going to be posting our lists on this thing or what?? I am really confused by the twenty different emails on the subject. Hopefully we will figure this out soon. GO ND!!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Love It

Abe, love the site. Great to see everyone's comments. Guess the "Great Christmas Debate" has brought about some great new ideas. Here's a picture I thought everyone might enjoy. See if you can find Dad/John and Orvis in this picture. One of many old pictures we've scanned for a PowerPoint presentation we do at our one of our annual meetings.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

And Rika said that the Bozeman kids were on drugs. Right Rika, right. That's not a Bobcat hat on his head.

Ok. On to the Christmas Theme

I note that we have yet to actually resolve the issue of how family gifts will be handled this year. I suppose that Grandma should make the ultimate decision. Has she weighed in on this yet?

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Let's get serious!

Okay, maybe not. It's good to see some activity here. I hope y'all will return often to check out the Christmas news -- et cetera. I've been trying to upload a photo here without success. I guess I'm one of those technically [note correct spelling] challenged adults. (I'd rather be technically challenged than language deficient.) So, if anyone has tips on posting photos to this blog within MS Explorer, I'm open to suggestion. Go Griz. john

Friday, October 07, 2005

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Well alrighty...check out the English teacher here. First I just love the family (pseudo) controversy we stir up. I am seriously thinking of using ya'll as a focus for my first novel. It would be a best seller for sure. Second, it's a snow day here - yes, feel free to be jealous. Mom was at 7:00 am this morning when I called and told her. Third, I'm all about whatever - I think the combo idea that the mere college freshman presented is huge. I've learned choice is a number one motivator. You all rock! Love you!

Nicely Done!

Nice work, Abe! The Buyskes in FL are on board with this idea. Hopefully we can get everyone going on this.

likin it

this is a pretty sweet idea on abe's part. i think the fun thing will to see whether our techincally challenged adults will be able to handle it!! :) just kidding!! hope you all have a great week!


yea im here too. i really truely deeply believe that as long as sometime between december and febuary everyone in the family has been in Great Falls for at least 4 hours that this will be another top shelf christmas. keep ND in your thoughts and prayers. love yall and keep it green.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

What up. I am so on this blog. Just letting you know that the link worked. Any comments on this post would be welcomed. Constructive comments, questions.. you know, whatever.


Ok everybody. I've sent each of you an invitation to become an "administrator" of this site. That means you'll be able to create posts like this one. All you have to do is click on that icon over there on the right that says "i power blogger" and it will take you to the "dashboard." Once you're there, you can click "create new post," type in your business, then click "publish."

If this all seems vastly too complicated to you, you can always just give your two bits by clicking on "comments" right below any post like this.

Looking forward to a very merry Christmas!